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Put these considerations before her from me, then. Poly. No, not that way, please. Make your speech, just as though she were listening, and I will reproduce you to her. Ly. Very well, then. She is here; she has just delivered the oration which you have described to me; it is now counsel's turn.

Such a work will be more enduring than those of Apelles and Parrhasius and Polygnotus; it will be far removed from creations of wood and wax and colour, being inspired by the Muses, in whom alone is that true portraiture that shows forth in one likeness a lovely body and a virtuous soul. Polystratus. Lycinus Poly. Well, here is the lady's comment.

She could have informed you that there was such a word as "polygamy," and being also acquainted with "polysyllable," she had deduced the conclusion that "poly" mean "many"; but she had had no idea that gypsies were not well supplied with groceries, and her thoughts generally were the oddest mixture of clear-eyed acumen and blind dreams.

At the edge of the lawn where the Isle of Desserts had been, six figures sat in the darkness. They sat in a row, their legs drawn up and held by their clasped hands. They sat waiting and watching in the silent night. "The river is going to eat the edge of this lawn all away if they don't face it with stone," said Roly Poly. "Will you please stop talking about eating?" said Brownie.

It had the effect of heightening, mysteriously and indescribably, the joy, the madness, and the splendor. And it was dominant, insistent. Like some great and unintelligible motif it ran ringing and sounding through the vast rhythmic tumult of physical energy. Not for a moment did he connect it with the increasing interest that he took in the appearance of the Young Ladies of the Poly. Gym.

It gave him the headache to think of the things the fellows fellows of a deplorable physique and girls, too, did there. For his part, he looked forward to the day when, by a further subscription of ten-and-six, he would enroll himself as a member of the Athletic Club. It was as if the Poly. put out feeler after feeler to draw him to itself. Only to one thing he would not be drawn.

Strange change had also taken place in the names of men and cities. In the place of Petisis, Petamun, Psammo, and Serapion, we find men named Eudoxus, Hermophantus, and Poly crates; while of the cities, Oshmoonayn is called Hermopolis; Esne, Latopolis; Chemmis, Panopolis; and Thebes, Diospolis; and Ptolemais, Phylace, Parembole, and others had sprung into being.

I never thought as you like Miss Lucy very much! You acted just as if you like High Price better!" The Doctor's shoulders shook with soft laughter. "And won't Miss Lucy be nurse up in the ward any more?" Poly queried. "Not after we are married. We are going to housekeeping. You know the little brown cottage just beyond Colonel Gresham's?" "The one with vines all over the piazzas?" "Yes.

Yet, he had to tell. The facts were more important than what people thought of him. The cab stopped before his own office. He paid the driver. The driver beamed and said happily: "Tys nikisame, é?" Coburn said, "Poly kala. Orea." His office was empty. It was dustier than usual. His secretary was probably taking a holiday since he was supposed to be out of town.

It is blessedness indeed, to possess one of whom we may say with Homer that she contends with golden Aphrodite in beauty, and in works is the equal of Athene. Who of womankind shall be compared to her In comeliness, in wit, in goodly works? Poly. Who indeed? Lycinus, I have a proposal to make.