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One may even select the atavists, pollinate them purely and repeat this in a succeeding generation without any chance of changing the result. On an average the atavists may give lower hereditary figures, but the difference will be only slight. Such tricotylous double races offer highly interesting material for inquiries into questions of heredity, as they have such a wide range of variability.

There are Bing, Royal Ann and Early Purple Guignes here with these, but they seldom, if ever, bloom with the Tartarian at the proper time to pollinate. What varieties would cause the trees to bear? Sterility of the Black Tartarian is rather unusual. In the coast regions, Bing, Black Tartarian and Early Purple Guigne are all considered pollinizers for the Royal Ann.

If the theory that the bees carry the blight from tree to tree is not correct, I will experiment with alfalfa again this year. It is true that bees carry pear blight. It is also true that you are not likely to get many pears without bees to pollinate the blossoms. You cannot escape the carriage of the pear blight by removing tame bees, because wild bees are abundant in all parts of the State.

With vigorous, healthy plants and on light, sunny days, it can be accomplished by jarring the plants near midday. This generally throws enough pollen into the air so that an abundance of it reaches each receptive stigma. With less vigorous plants and on dark days it is necessary to hand pollinate the flowers.

If the flowers fertilize themselves, as is more often the case than is generally supposed, or if it is easy to pollinate them artificially, with their own pollen or in small groups of similar individuals, the best way is to isolate them by means of close coverings.

In order to obtain the second generation, the hybrid grains are sown under ordinary conditions, but sufficiently distant from any other variety of corn to insure pure fertilization. The several individuals may be left to pollinate each other, or they may be artificially pollinated with their own pollen. The outcome of the experiments is shown by the spikes, as soon as they dry.

Have you never considered that human relationships in particular are like the beautiful scents of flowers and these scents are the interaction with other entities." "Nay, these scents as you call them are manipulative forces the flower trying to attract the bee to pollinate its kind, the gentleman wanting to get laid, the smiling businessman trying to woo in the money.

De Bary, Thuret, Rosen and many others confirmed this result, and repeated the pedigree-cultures of Jordan. Every type is constant and remains unchanged in successive generations. The anthers open in the flower-buds and pollinate the stigmas before the expansion of the flowers, thus assuring self-fertilization. Moreover, these inconspicuous little flowers are only sparingly visited by insects.

Many species pollinate themselves in the absence of bees; from these the insects are to be excluded. Others have the stamens and stigmas widely separated and have to be pollinated artificially. Still others do not lend themselves to such operations, but have to be left free to the visits of bees and of humble-bees, this being the only means of securing seed from every plant.

The latter would give partly pure starchy grains and partly hybrid kernels, but these would assume the same type. But if we pollinate the hybrid with pollen of a pure sugar-corn, we may predict the result as follows.