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Here, too, are some chefs d'oeuvre of the unknown great; and here, unfinished designs by men, celebrated in their day, whose very names the perspicacity of the academies has left to silence and to me. What think you," said he, turning abruptly as he spoke "what think you of this Madonna della Pieta?" "It is Guido's own!"

The upper regions of this splendid building contain an extensive library and a picture-gallery. I also paid a visit to the catacombs of St. Januarius, which extend three stories high on a mountain, and are full of little niches, five or six of which are often found one above the other. In the chapel Santa Maria della Pieta, in the palace St.

We often see them in the street, and at a distance from home, carrying mysterious bundles of clothes; and at last we learn their vocation, which is one not known out of Italian cities, I think. There the state is Uncle to the hard-pressed, and instead of many pawnbrokers' shops there is one large municipal spout, which is called the Monte di Pieta, where the needy pawn their goods.

Awaiting him in all readiness in the Cappella della Pieta were the cardinals, archbishops, and bishops, the whole pontifical prelacy, hierarchically classified and grouped. And then, as at a signal from a ballet master, the /cortege/ made its entry, reaching the nave and ascending it in triumph from the closed Porta Santa to the altar of the Confession.

The /cortege/ was formed in the wings, that is in the Cappella della Pieta, the first chapel of the right aisle, and in order to reach it, the Holy Father, coming from his apartments by the way of the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, had been stealthily carried behind the hangings of the aisle which served the purpose of a drop-scene.

Mary has just recognised her Lord, and in her ecstasy flings herself forward on her knees before him. The Saviour is a dignified figure semi-nude, with a white veil wrapped around him. In the Pitti Palace, a charming Pieta of Fra Bartolommeo's occupies a place near the Pieta of Andrea del Sarto, the two pictures forming a most interesting contrast of style.

The fruits of his labour are a Pieta, a Visitation, and a Head of Christ almost a replica of the one in the SS. Annunziata. The Pieta is full of expression and feeling, but more realistic and less dignified than that of Fra Bartolommeo, which now hangs on the same wall of the Hall of Apollo at the Pitti.

S. Peter, in his vehemence, flings up his arms in a madness of sorrow. S. Paul, with more dignity, is half stupefied with the intensity of woe. If those saints had been left in Fra Bartolommeo's Pieta, the two pictures would have had the very same figures, in each: but how different the composition, feeling, and expression!

The sculptures, with the sole exception of Michael Angelo's ineffable "Pieta," which lurks obscurely in a side- chapel this indeed to my sense the rarest artistic <i>combination</i> of the greatest things the hand of man has produced are either bad or indifferent; and the universal incrustation of marble, though sumptuous enough, has a less brilliant effect than much later work of the same sort, that for instance of St.

Some of his best pictures, such as 'the Pieta with the Marys and the Disciples, and his 'Last Supper, are in Naples. He had a wild fancy with a preference for horrible subjects executions, tortures in this respect resembling Domenichino. Lo Spagnoletto is said to be particularly unpleasant in his mythological scenes. Many of his pictures have blackened with time.