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The grouping is that of the Pieta of Fra Bartolommeo, now in the Pitti, of which she must have had the original sketch, for she has put in the two saints in the background, which have been painted out in that of the Frate, but we will give her the entire credit of the colouring, which is extremely crude; the contrasting blues and yellows are in inharmonious tones, the shading harsh, and the whole picture wanting in chiaroscuro.

When I look upon these potatoes, this tobacco for the nose, all these elephants and cucumbers and trees full of monkeys, it appears to me that I am taking part in the discovery of America. O noble captain! Pieta, pieta!" With this he knelt at the feet of Colombo who pardoned him, and the sailors embraced and wept for joy.

'That's a disadvantage, murmured Maxim. Gerald looked at him, and with a slight revulsion saw the human animal, golden skinned and bare, somehow humiliating. Halliday was different. He had a rather heavy, slack, broken beauty, white and firm. He was like a Christ in a Pieta. The animal was not there at all, only the heavy, broken beauty.

He rose, looked at his watch, and walked across the room as if to inspect a Pieta that hung upon the wall.

The characteristics of the two painters can be well studied in these works, so near together, so similar, and yet so different. For the three works painted at Luco Andrea was paid ninety florins in gold. The Pieta, was bought in later years by the Grand Duke Leopold, and now adorns the Pitti Palace. Andrea was paid ten florins for the Head of the Saviour, through his assistant, Raffaello.