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Passing along the Strand, he took my arm, and speaking close to my ear "That place is alive with spies, Petrie," he said; "or if there are only a few of them they are remarkably efficient!"

I demanded sharply; but in my heart, poor fool that I was, I found admiration for the exquisite arch of Kâramanèh's lips, and reproach because they were so tremulous. She spoke then. "Dr. Petrie " "Well?" "You seem to be angry with me, not so much because of what I do, as because I do not remember you. Yet " "Kindly do not revert to the matter," I interrupted.

Petrie suggests that this curious central object may be a royal umbrella with flaps of ox-hide and tiger-skin. That is, lentil-shaped, or a double convex. For the following notes, to which reference numbers will be found in the text, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr.

The activity and industry of the Egyptians, their power of erecting great buildings and of executing other laborious tasks at this early period is a marvel to all ages. It has been shown by Prof. Petrie that some of the blocks in at least one of the great pyramids were cut by tubular drills fitted with diamond points or something similar. This to us is a very modern invention.

Nayland Smith stood up and divested himself of the old shooting-jacket. "He has been followed, Petrie," he replied, with one of his rare smiles. "Two C.I.D. men have been watching the house all night!" This was entirely characteristic of my friend's farseeing methods. "By the way," I said, "you saw Eltham this morning. He will soon be convalescent. Where, in Heaven's name, can he "

Smathers and Petrie lifted up their voices in one despairing howl. "When you what?" fairly yelled Smathers. "You fool! You don't mean to tell me that you let them take you in like that those two? You don't mean to tell me that you had him, had him in your hands, and then let him go? You did? Oh, you seventy-seven kinds of a double-barrelled ass! Had him think of it! had him, and let him go!

So, when a white-faced butler made us known to a nervous old lady who proved to be the housekeeper of the next-door residence, I was not surprised at Smith's saying: "Lounge up and down outside, Petrie. Everyone has cleared off now. It is getting late. Keep your eyes open and be on your guard.

A lambent light was born in the darkness; it rose slowly, unsteadily, to a great height, and died. "It's under the trees, Smith!" But he was already making for the door. Over his shoulder: "Bring the pistol, Petrie!" he cried; "I have another. Give me at least twenty yards' start or no attempt may be made. But the instant I'm under the trees, join me."

Loftie's charming Essay of Scarabs, which is in fact a catalogue of his own specimens, admirably illustrated from drawings by Mr. W.M.F. Petrie; and Mr. Petrie's Historical Scarabs, published 1889. These twin vases are still made at Asûan. I bought a small specimen there in 1874. The sepulchral vases commonly called "canopic" were four in number, and contained the embalmed viscera of the mummy.

"I cannot conceive of a woman recluse from some Lamaserie, surrounded by silent attendants and trained for her exalted destiny in the way that the legendary veiled woman of Tibet is said to be trained, traveling alone in an English railway carriage! Did you observe, Petrie, if her eyes were oblique at all?" "They did not strike me as being oblique. Why do you ask?"