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So far as it is employed in the first way, it promotes prodigality, increases expense and consumption, without increasing production, or establishing any permanent fund for supporting that expense, and is in every respect hurtful to the society.

One of the rewards of judicious labor, and by no means the least of them is health. Health is not only essential to the happiness of ourselves and of those with whom we come into contact, but no permanent success can be won without it.

As soon as I could think, I discerned retrospectively certain peculiar ways in which my consciousness had taken in the phenomenon. These ways were quite spontaneous, and, so to speak, inevitable and irresistible. First, I personified the earthquake as a permanent individual entity.

It was moved and carried that no city or county official should be admitted to membership, a striking commentary on the disesteem in which such men were held. Permanent headquarters were arranged for; committees appointed for the solicitation of funds.

Because of it he was beginning to wonder whether after all the alliance that was beginning to spring up between them might not be something more permanent and durable than at first he had ever supposed it could be. He was beginning to wonder whether he had not been fortunate far beyond his deserts....

Contrast and harmony are not contradictory terms, as some may think. Therefore read up in the catalogues about the shrubs you propose to make use of before you give them a permanent place in the yard. Also, take a look ahead. The plant you procure from the nursery will be small.

He had not spoken of it again; she perceived that he had forgotten it; and she herself forgot that the memory of a boy is never to be depended on; its forgettings are too seldom permanent in the case of things that ought to stay forgotten. To get the book one had only to lean from the window.

"Goodness me, Mary, I'd hate to be as good as you are always up and smiling! Why don't you have a permanent smile put on your face? It would be lots easier." At which joke Luke giggled, and Mrs.

The Permanent Exhibition Company was to be a new edition of the People's Bank, perfected and enlarged in every direction.

A man takes a photograph upon a sensitive plate, half the size of the palm of my hand; and then he enlarges it to any size he pleases. And that is what life does for all of us. The pictures, drawn small on the young man's imagination, on the young woman's dreaming heart, be they of angels or of beasts, are permanent; and they will get bigger and bigger and bigger, as get older.