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Thus it is seen, that while his birth makes him a Pennsylvanian, his blood and education make him a Yankee. Mr. Smyth is a self-made man. By his unaided energies he surmounted the difficulties that stood in the way of his advancement, and has achieved distinction by a career of great usefulness. His father was a man of high respectability, and most excellent character.

"Name o' Skene, from Pennsylvanya," said the man, "and by the Lord God ye shall have the fort." "You looked for us?" said Clark. "Faith, never less," said the Pennsylvanian. "The one sentry is at the main gate." "And the governor?" "Rocheblave?" said the Pennsylvanian. "He sleeps yonder in the old Jesuit house in the middle." Clark turned to Tom McChesney, who was at his elbow.

Thomas Godfrey, also a colonial Pennsylvanian, was rewarded by the Royal Society of England for an improvement which he made in the quadrant. Peter Collinson of England, a famous naturalist and antiquarian of early times, was a Quaker.

But I was not afraid of him now; so, instead of going, I tarried, and criticized his grammar; I reformed his ferocious speeches for him, and put them into good English, calling his attention to the advantage of pure English over the bastard dialect of the Pennsylvanian collieries whence he was extracted.

It is perhaps too early to assign him his place in American literature. His picturesque books of travel, his Oriental lyrics, his Pennsylvanian idyls, his Centennial ode, the pastoral beauty and Christian sweetness of Lars, and the high argument and rhythmic marvel of Deukalion are sureties of the permanence of his reputation.

We infer a renewed uplift of Appalachia similar to that of the later epochs of the Devonian, but as much less in amount as the volume of sediments is smaller. The Mississippian was brought to an end by a quiet oscillation which lifted large areas slightly above the sea, and the Pennsylvanian began with a movement in the opposite direction.

As much of the blood was Pennsylvanian or North Carolinian, his last sentence means nothing, unless all the "districts" outside of New England are held to have shared the Virginian conditions. Mr.

Peabody turned upon him instantly. "Oh, shut up, Stevens; don't be a fool. Come on in. The water's fine." The pair of schemers, with Norton at their heels, turned away. The Pennsylvanian drew Stevens into committee room 6 and, ordering the stenographer to leave, drew up chairs where both could sit, facing the door. "We've thrown dust in that old gander's eyes," whispered Peabody.

Well, I suppose you want all the profits for yourself." Turning to Stevens, who had just entered, the Pennsylvanian cried: "Do you but listen to our suddenly good friend Langdon. He wants to be the only man to make money out of the naval base. He won't listen to any other member of the naval committee making a cent out of it. Why, he " "Great God, sir!" exclaimed Langdon.

As related by a contemporary chronicler a Pennsylvanian who lived for years among the western tribes an Indian hunting party on arriving at Detroit would trade perhaps a third of the peltries which they brought in for fine clothes, ammunition, paint, tobacco, and like articles.