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Yes! she was gone from her mooring; nevertheless she was lying to, and the boat came off to shore with about ten men in it. They lost no time, but hurried about in every direction to find what we were certainly not going to lose sight of again. We heard them wrangling and grumbling as they searched all about Cartref Pellenig.

But alas! for us they left ten of their people behind them, who commenced to our horror and disgust building a house very near Cartref Pellenig, but so placed that they could look down the cliffs and over the sea.

The house the men built, which we called Pirate Hall, was magnificent compared to our poor dear Cartref Pellenig, and was made with such rapidity, speed, and neatness, our clerk of the works fell into fits of envy and jealousy.

He was too much stunned however to say anything as far as we could make it out, and presently we found they were lowering him down from the cliffs near Cartref Pellenig, as the easiest way of getting him home.

So we rushed up the caverns in a most disorderly manner, and were all ready to obey the word of command in less than ten minutes at the Cartref Pellenig entrance. To our honour be it spoken, as an army composed of so many females, not a word was spoken, and we emerged from the entrance as noiselessly as bats out of an old chimney.

The only risk we ran was, that, to enable us to perform this manœuvre, we had to go out at the Cartref Pellenig entrance, which we had in consequence to pull down and open for the first time in four months. However, we trusted to our good cause, and the fact that the entrance was at all times difficult to find, and would not take half an hour to put to rights again.

It was not, therefore, until repeated entreaties had been urged, that, at last, I said somewhat shortly, and with an effort of hilarity, "I think we will call our house 'Cartref Pellenig, or 'The Distant Home, because because " Schillie. "Well, why, because."

But we understood their manœuvres very well, and were quite prepared. We had long ceased to need the Cartref Pellenig entrance, letting everything down by the aperture above, where the rock and brushwood would tell no tales of our footsteps. We had made some more places of observation, and we went to rest that night feeling prepared for everything. It happened as we expected.