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He was perspiring freely, and did not look entirely satisfied. The next scene which was conjured up on the stage was a forest. It was wonderfully fine, with pelargoniums blooming on the ground, and a spring which was flowing out of something green. "That is a covered beer-barrel!" said Pelle, and now Lasse too could see the tap, but it was wonderfully natural.

He was not appeased, "Menzies will do it," he said. She laughed. "You know what Menzies will say 'Pelargoniums for the hall, Miss Percival, and some nice maidenhair. He's not inventive, poor Menzies." "He's an old fool," said Struan. "He takes flowers for spangles in a circus." Miss Percival again laughed softly, and held out her hand. "Good-night," she said. "I'm going."

The trellises in the gardens seem overgrown with stephanotis, mauve and purple passion-flowers, and all kinds of rare creepers, the purple and white hibiscus shoots up some fourteen to sixteen feet in height; bananas, full of fruit and flower, strelitzias, heliotrope, geraniums, and pelargoniums, bloom all around in large shrubs, mixed with palms and mimosas of every variety; and the whole formed such an enchanting picture that we were loth to tear ourselves away.

At the court my husband will show you documents which completely exonerate the Count and prove that the forgery was a trap of du Croisier's own setting." Old Blondet went into the Olympic circus where his six thousand pelargoniums stood, and made his bow to the Duchess. "Monsieur," said he, "if your wishes do not exceed the law, this thing may be done."

"There used to be another of those white pelargoniums standing there." By this time John Grange's hands were busy at a shelf above, and the lookers-on watched with keen interest for the result, for the flower he sought had been moved on to the higher range, and they were both wondering whether he would find it.

Before us is a quantity of Chinese hydrangeas, remarkable in this case for the small size of the plants, and disproportionately large heads of pink blossoms. Cape pelargoniums, too, are well represented: they are curious plants, indigenous to the Cape of Good Hope; specimens of them are very often sent to this country, with boxes of bulbs, for which the Cape is famous.

I may add, as an instance of this fact, and as a striking case of correlation, that in many pelargoniums the two upper petals in the central flower of the truss often lose their patches of darker colour; and when this occurs, the adherent nectary is quite aborted, the central flower thus becoming peloric or regular.

There are roses in endless variety Jim's mother boasts that she has sixty-five different sorts and some of them are blooming all the year round, so mild is the climate. Phlox, verbenas, bouvardias, pelargoniums, geraniums, grow side by side with such tropical plants as gardenias, tuberoses, hibisci, jacarandas, magnolias.

Take a stroll through his parterres and greenhouses, where side by side he shows you pansies of myriad tints and the modest little wild violets of kindred to the pansies' ancestral stock. Let him contrast for you roses, asters, tuberous begonias, hollyhocks, dahlias, pelargoniums, before cultivation and since.

At the end of the greenhouse the judge had set up a grandstand, an amphitheatre of benches to hold some five or six thousand pelargoniums in pots a splendid and famous show. People came to see his geraniums in flower, not only from the neighborhood, but even from the departments round about.