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Watching those clean, sinewy pasterns shoot forward well outside of the fore hoof-track straight and swift as Mace's arm in an "upper-cut," you marvel no longer at the mile-time which hitherto has seemed barely credible. Perhaps this same bitter weather may account for our disappointment in the brilliancy of Broadway.

It carries its neck high and proud, like a cock." But young Chereas shook his head. "It is not such a good horse as you say, Aristobulus. Its hoofs are thin, and the pasterns are too low; the animal will soon go lame." They were continuing their dispute, when Drosea uttered a piercing shriek. "Oh! I nearly swallowed a fish-bone, as long and much sharper than a style.

EARS Small, well set on, and carried close to the head. SHOULDERS Oblique, running well into the back, with plenty of depth of chest. BODY Short and square, and well ribbed up. STERN Short and straight, and carried gaily, but not curled over the back. FORE-LEGS Straight, pasterns strong, feet small and round. QUARTERS Strong; stifles well bent.

None of the horses, poor brutes, required holding, but stood there with dejected crest, pasterns deep in the mud, too weak to wander even in search of grass. Warren came riding slowly towards his men. "Captain Devers," said he, "I have sent Mr. Davies off to the left to scout towards the valley.

BODY Neck long and gracefully arched. Shoulders long and sloping. Back curved and drooping at the quarters. LEGS AND FEET Fore-legs straight, well set under the shoulder; fine pasterns; small delicate bone. Hind-legs, hocks well let down; thighs muscular. Feet long hare foot. TAIL, COAT AND COLOUR Tail rather long and with low carriage. Skin fine and supple. Hair thin and glossy like satin.

The tendency toward this disease probably depends on such peculiarities of conformation as narrow, weak, high heels, long pasterns and too long a toe. The character of the work is an important factor. Hurried, rapid movements throw considerable strain on the navicular region, increasing the danger from injury.

"There were four old United States cavalry horses among our captive band of mustangs, gray with age and worthless no telling where they came from. We clamped a mule shoe over the pasterns of the younger horses, tied toggles to the others, and the next morning set out on our return to the settlements." Under his promise the old ranchero had the camp astir over an hour before dawn.