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I'll bet that Red-hot Barstow is still pretty well remembered among the boys at Cheltenham." "Swearing's bad form nowadays," said Archie Parminter, superciliously. "They have given it up at the clubs." Sylvia seized the moment and rose from the table. Her father sprang forward and opened the door. "We will join you in a few minutes," he said.

All the high hopes with which she had set out from Chamonix had fallen, all the rare qualities with which her dreams had clothed him as in shining raiment must now be stripped from him. She was not deceived. Parminter, Barstow, Garratt Skinner there was one "deep fellow" in that trio, but it was neither Barstow nor Parminter. It was her father.

See that man there, a-talking to the detectives? him with the gold nippers on his blooming sharp nose? That's Mr. Parminter! I knows him, well enough. He's a lawyer chap, what the police gets when there's a case o' this sort, to ask questions of the witnesses, d'ye see? Watch him, Mr.

As a woman you know that. And being rather fond of Wallie Hine, I have tried to do my best for him. It would not have been of any use to shut my door on Barstow and Archie Parminter. They have much too firm a hold on the poor youth. I should have been shutting it on Wallie Hine, too.

But I don't know where to find such people. If it's necessary, I can try." "I should certainly try, if I were you," observed Mr. Parminter, drily. "Now, when did those two rings come into your possession?" "When my mother died," replied Lauriston. "Where have you kept them?" "Locked up in my trunk." "Have you ever, at any time, or any occasion, shown them to any person? Think!"

Parminter quietly passed the tray of rings to the Coroner, with Lauriston's rings lying on a sheet of paper. "Perhaps you will examine these things and direct the attention of the jurymen to them?" he said, and turned to the witness-box again. "I want to ask you a very particular question," he continued.