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Our dearest sister, the Queen of the Scots, hath been delivered of a fair son; and in high affection the news thereof she hath sent me, with a palfry which I shall ride among you in token of the love I bear her Majesty. She hath in her time got an heir to the throne with which we are ever in kinship and alliance, and I in my time shall give ye your heart's desire."

Of course a book of such evident significance and power would have had another effect; by his own acknowledgement, it brought Dr. Channing into the anti-slavery crusade, and he published a book upon slavery in 1835; it led Dr. John G. Palfry, who had inherited a plantation in Louisiana, to emancipate his slaves; and, as he has more than once said, it changed the course of Col.

"Ay," said Agnes, "we did not know what to make of you coming up the lane; you with your lance there, like the Red Cross Knight himself, and Marian with her palfry for Una." "The knight must have borrowed the dwarf's ass," said Edmund, laughing, and putting his lance in rest. "And where have you been, then, at this portentous time of day, Agnes?" asked Marian.

The Windsor chair he sat in was unstable which presently afforded material for humour. "Steady, old nag," he said; "whoa, my friskiacious palfry!" "The things he says! You never know what he won't say next!" "You ain't talkin' of goin'!" cried Mrs. Larkins. "Supper at eight." "Stay to supper with us, now you 'ave come over," said Mrs. Larkins, with corroborating cries from Minnie.

He was not prepared for what followed. In a voice to be heard only at small distance, the Queen said calmly: "This palfry sent me by my dear sister of Scotland shall bear me among you, friends; and in days to come I will remember how she hath given new life to me by her loving message.

I remembered that line of Matthew Arnold's, and the stanza about the Duchess Margaret coming to watch the builders on her palfry white. Then there came to me something in regard to the moon shining on winter nights through the cold clere-story.

Before them, on the highroad, five knights in armor were now engaged in furious battle with a party of ten or a dozen other steel-clad warriors, while crouching breathless on her palfry, a young woman sat a little apart from the contestants.

He was not prepared for what followed. In a voice to be heard only at small distance, the Queen said calmly: "This palfry sent me by my dear sister of Scotland shall bear me among you, friends; and in days to come I will remember how she hath given new life to me by her loving message.

Our dearest sister, the Queen of the Scots, hath been delivered of a fair son; and in high affection the news thereof she hath sent me, with a palfry which I shall ride among you in token of the love I bear her Majesty. She hath in her time got an heir to the throne with which we are ever in kinship and alliance, and I in my time shall give ye your heart's desire."