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The intervals are as numerous as the species themselves, and everywhere constitute great and sudden leaps, or such transitional changes as "natural selection" could not have effected independently of intervening forms those that nowhere exist in nature, and never have existed, if we are to credit geologic and paleontologic records.

Systematic affinities find their one possible explanation by the aid of this principle; without it, all similarity is only apparent and accidental. Geographic and paleontologic facts, brought together by Darwin and others on a previously unequalled scale, point clearly in the same direction. The vast amount of evidence of all comparative sciences compels us to accept the idea.

Nearly 40,000 species of animals and plants have been added to the Systema Naturae by paleontologic research. This is a living population equivalent to that of a new continent in mere number; equivalent to that of a new hemisphere, if we take into account the small population of insects as yet found fossil, and the large proportion and peculiar organization of many of the Vertebrata.

This fact is most conclusively proved, not only by geographic and paleontologic records, but by legitimate induction.

There is in the Survey a division of mining statistics, with a large corps of men engaged in statistic work, the results of which are published in an annual report entitled "Mineral Resources." Mr. Albert Williams, Jr., is the Chief Statistician of the Survey. There is in the Survey a division organized for the purpose of preparing illustrations for paleontologic and geologic reports. Mr.

That it should have been a mere piece of guess-work on the part of Moses, or any other writer of his time, covering, as it does, so many particularities of statement, all according with the exact observations of geologic science, and supported by paleontologic records, requires quite as much credulity of judgment as to accept it for divinely inspired truth.

Proceeding still farther we might easily construct a main stem with numerous succeeding fans of lateral branches, and thus reach, from our new empirical point of view, the theoretical conclusion already formulated. Paleontologic facts readily agree with this conception. The swarms of species and varieties are found to succeed one another like so many stories.

Flowers of Acacia, leaves of Mimusops, petals of Nymphaea may be cited as instances, and they are as perfectly preserved as the best herbarium-specimens of the present time. The petals and stamens retain their original colors, displaying them as brightly as is consistent with their dry state. Paleontologic evidence points to the same conclusion.

Henry Gannett is the Chief Geographer. Before giving the outline of the plan for the general geologic survey, it will be better to explain the accessory plans and organizations. There are in the Survey, as at present organized, the following paleontologic laboratories: 1. A laboratory of vertebrate paleontology for formations other than the Quaternary.

Our geologic and paleontologic records are becoming richer in materials, more interesting in details, and more authentic in character, every year.