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"Take it as an insult if in your heart there is no shadow of treachery towards the France that is today, towards the cause of the Allies as it is to-day," was the stern answer. "I refuse to accept this extraordinary mission," Pailleton declared, rising to his feet. "You can send whom you will to Brazil. I have greater affairs before me." The ambassador shrugged his shoulders.

You see, I use the epithet 'my friend' because at a time like this all Frenchmen must forget their differences and work together for the good and honour of their country. Is it not so, monsieur?" "That is indeed true," Monsieur Pailleton admitted slowly. "We may work in different ways but we work towards the same end."

The second, Monsieur Pailleton, is in your possession. You may keep it if you will. In Brazil you will find it of little use." Monsieur Pailleton folded his arms. "I am a Frenchman," he proclaimed. "What I may do, I do for France." "You refuse my mission, then?" "I refuse it." The ambassador struck a bell upon his table. One of his secretaries promptly appeared.

"I shall not press you," he said. "I shall only put before you the alternative. You are at this present moment upon French soil. If you refuse this mission which has been offered to you, I shall detain you here until I have the means of sending you under escort to France." "Detain me? On what charge?" Pailleton exclaimed angrily. "On the charge of treason," was the quiet reply.

"Monsieur Pailleton," he said, "the only thing that France fears is treachery!" Pailleton gripped at the back of his chair. The room for a moment swam before his eyes. "Is this an insult, Monsieur l'Ambassadeur?" he demanded.

"Send Colonel Defarge to me at once," his chief ordered. There was a brief pause. The ambassador was busy writing at his table. Pailleton, who was breathing heavily, said nothing. Presently an officer in French uniform entered. "Monsieur le Colonel," the ambassador said, stretching out his hand towards Pailleton, "you will accept the charge of this man, whom you will consider under arrest.

I take the full responsibility for this proceeding. You will conduct him to your rooms here and you will search him. Any document found in his possession you will bring to me. When you have finished, let me know and I will give you an authority to proceed to his apartments in the Milan Hotel. You understand?" "Certainly, my chief." The officer saluted and moved to Pailleton.