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With a splendid one-handed catch Thurston had brought the well-fought contest to a close, and secured a victory for Ronleigh College. This brilliant feat, coupled with the gallant manner in which he had continued his innings when hurt, and so enabled Oaks to run up the score, caused the black sheep of the Sixth Form to be regarded as the hero of the day.

Do you think you've been doing right by keeping her here?" "No, no! it was a wrong as great as the other." "Why, they're even passing remarks about her mother, those that don't know where you got her, saying it was some one you never married, because the book shows your first wife was this one-handed woman here." "I know, I know it.

Now there was only a hint that the depression had other than a natural beginning. Anchoring with a one-handed grip on a spike of Hawaikan coral smoother than the Terran species Ross aimed the butt of his spear-gun at the nearest wall of the saucer, striving to reach into a crevice between two lumps of growth and so probe into what might lie behind.

There was a good scenting-wind, with rain in the offing, and outside the covert they had a corner to themselves Winton knowing a trick worth two of the field's at-large. They had slipped there, luckily unseen, for the knowing were given to following the one-handed horseman in faded pink, who, on his bang-tailed black mare, had a knack of getting so well away.

If you run foul of one of 'em while you are gone on your furlong, just point to your arm and tell him to hold his yawp." "Are you going to give me a leave of absence?" asked Marcy, who was so delighted at the thought that he could scarcely keep from showing it. "I reckon I'll have to. I ain't got no use for a one-handed man; but I'll keep your place open for you, never fear. Just see that, now.