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"Fixman told it me that if he had the money what Klinger sinks in one stock already, Abe, he could run a dozen oitermobiles. Sure, Fixman's got an oitermobile. With the money that feller makes, Abe, he's got a right to got on oitermobile. Klinger should be careful what he tells about people, Abe. The feller will get himself into serious trouble some day. He's all the time knocking somebody.

"You could take it from me, Sol, Mawruss would be the first one to buy one of them airyplanes, just the same like he bought that oitermobile yet." "That's all right," Sol said. "Mawruss is a good live partner. He sees people round him good, decent, respectable people, mind you is buying oitermobiles, Abe, and so he thinks he could buy one, too.

I bet yer that feller Klein spends enough on taxicab rides for customers, and also one or two of 'em which she ain't customers, as he could buy a dozen oitermobiles already. No, Abe, that ain't the point. The first year Klein and me goes as partners together, he overdraws me two hundred and fifty dollars. Schon gut.

"We got a swell place down there," she went on. "Five bedrooms, a parlor and a library with a great big kitchen and a garage." "A what?" Abe cried. "A place what you put oitermobiles into it," Morris explained. "Is that so?" Abe said as he jammed his hat on with both hands. "Well, that don't do no harm, Mawruss, because you could also use it for a dawg house."

From my vantage point on the steps I could look down on him, and there came over me a great longing to run my fingers gently through that crisp blond hair, and to bring his head down close against my breast for one exquisite moment. So "Landladies and oitermobiles!" I laughed. "Never!

Twenty years since already I used to eat by Gifkin's on Canal Street, and one day Max Koblin comes in and says to me, 'Abe, he says, 'I want you should drink a bottle tchampanyer wine on me. In them days Max works for old man Zudosky selling boys' reefers. Raincoats was like oitermobiles; no one had discovered 'em yet. 'What's the matter, Max? I says.

Here it is only Tuesday, Abe, and that feller sold two oitermobiles already." "Did you count 'em, Mawruss?" Abe asked. "Sure, I counted 'em," Morris replied. He looked boldly into Abe's eyes as he spoke. "One of 'em he sold to Sol Klinger and the other he sold to me." If Morris anticipated making a sensation he was not disappointed.