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If it's nothing but a rash, as Bridget says, she'll stay here, but if it's measles she'll be hurried off up-stairs, and " "An' be quarantained, Oim tould," interrupted Bridget. "Oh, Breejhay, what ees that?" cried the little French maid, and Flossie waited to hear no more. Quarantined! Oh, what a big word, and what did it mean? Who was going to do that to dear Uncle Harry's baby? No one!

I had to send Jack round to the "Chequers" for two o' gin before she came round." "Mrs. Brice is a fool and you're another," Bill said. "Now, ooman, just take off my boots for oim main tired. What be you staring at, Jack? Were you nearly pinning Mother Brice too?" "I doant pin folk, I doant," Jack said sturdily. "I kicks 'em, I do, but I caught hold o' Juno's tail, and held on.

'And it's myself that'll do the same, added Mickey, as he executed an Irish jig on the barren earth in front of their cavern home, after they had concluded to leave the place. 'Where does she reside? inquired Ethan. 'Ballyduff, Kings County, in the Oim of the Sea; it's there that lives the lass that's to have the honor of becoming Mrs. McSquizzle, and becomin' the mither of her own children.

"Shure, miss," she said in a whisper to an under teacher, "there's wan at the dhure who calls himself, 'Mister' Hamlin, but av it is not a young lady maskeradin' in her brother's clothes Oim very much mistaken; and av it's a boy, one of the pupil's brothers, shure ye might put a dhress on him when you take the others out for a walk, and he'd pass for the beauty of the whole school."

Then, as if to help along his enemies, he began to hum a song, his clear, high voice reaching keenly to the ears of the men in ambush: "'Oh, the time is long, mavourneen, Till I come again, O mavourneen " "And the toime 'll be longer thun iver, oim thinkin', ma purty little voorneen!" said an unmistakable voice of Erin through the gathering dusk.

In they came, and after the greetings, Peter said: "Miss D'Alloi, this is my dear friend, Dennis Moriarty. Dennis, Miss D'Alloi has wanted to know you because she's heard of your being such a friend to me." "Shure," said Dennis, taking the little hand so eagerly offered him, "Oim thinkin' we're both lucky to be in the thoughts at all, at all, av such a sweet young lady." "Oh, Mr.