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Oaksmith turned up his coat-cuffs, as if to be ready for a fight; Madame Filomel glided, or rather rolled, towards the door; while Kerplonne put his hand into his pocket, as if to assure himself that his supernumerary optic was all right. "What'll you take?" croaked the voice in the corner, once more. "Brandy and water," rapidly replied the second voice in the other corner.

And while the Frenchman Kerplonne, and his tall companion, Oaksmith, were obeying Hippe's invitation, he reached over to a little closet let into the wall, and took thence a squat bottle and some glasses, which he placed on the table. "Drink, brothers!" he said; "it is not Christian blood, but good stout wine of Oporto. It goes right to the heart, and warms one like the sunshine of the South."

"It is good," said Kerplonne, smacking his lips with enthusiasm. "Why don't you keep brandy? Hang wine!" cried Oaksmith, after having swallowed two bumpers in rapid succession. "Bah! Brandy has been the ruin of our race. It has made us sots and thieves. It shall never cross my threshold," cried the Wondersmith, with a sombre indignation.

Second Series. By William Cullen Bryant. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 277. $1.25. My Thirty Years out of the Senate. By Major Jack Downing. Illustrated. New York. Oaksmith & Co. 12mo. pp. 458. $1.25. Tressilian and his Friend. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 372. $1.25. The New American Encyclopaedia; a Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge.

But you shall see it proved before we let forth our army on the city accursed. You shall see a wretch die, as if smitten by a falling fragment of the sun." "What? Do you mean Solon?" asked Oaksmith and the fortune-teller together. "Ah! you mean the young man who makes the commerce with books?" echoed Kerplonne. "It is well. His agonies will instruct us." "Yes!