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These treasures were not hidden under a bushel when they returned to the ship; and Dr. O'Shaughnessey, Mrs. Bangster, the fat judge, and a host of others, were more sure than ever that both the widows were re-engaged. And Arthur Wilkinson was becoming frightened in his mind.

Cox and Bertram would certainly make a match of it, and that Wilkinson was also in danger. "Did you ever see such flirts?" said Mrs. Bangster to Dr. O'Shaughnessey. "What an escape Biffin has had!" "She is a deuced pretty woman, Mrs. Bangster; and I'll tell you what: Biffin would give one of his eyes to get her back again if he could." "Laws, doctor!

"A man doesn't like to be humbugged, you know, before a whole shipful of people," said the major, defending himself. "And a woman likes it just as little, Major Biffin; please to remember that." "Well; I'm sure you've been down upon me long enough." "Not a bit longer than you deserved. You told O'Shaughnessey, that it was all very well to amuse yourself, going home.

That's a plain question, or the deuce is in it." "And what should I do with you?" "Why, be Mrs. Biffin, of course." "Ha! ha! ha! And it has come to that, has it? What was it you said to Dr. O'Shaughnessey when we were off Point de Galle?" "Well, what did I say?" "I know what you said well enough. And so do you, too. If I served you right, I should never speak to you again."

"Fire away, ye spalpeens, for all the good it may do ye," called out the Irishman, who at this moment clambered out of range and sank down upon the ground. "Begorrah, I'm as tired as Jim O'Shaughnessey after his friendly match with his wife," gasped Mickey, speaking shortly and rapidly, as best he could, while he leaned over upon his elbow, until he could regain his strength and wind.

He is expected again for the cock-shooting, for the master likes him greatly. I'm done at last, for my paper is finished and the candle just out; so with every good wish and every good thought, remember your own old friend, PETER RUSH. P.S. It's Smart and Sykes, Fleet Street, has the money. Father O'Shaughnessey, of Ennis, bids me ask if you ever met his nephew.