United States or Republic of the Congo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Something in the agent's attitude of literary absorption aggravated him. He went round to the door and opened it. "Don't you know or care when this train is coming?" "Nope," said the man placidly. "Well, when? What's the matter with her? When is she due?" "Doo twenty minits ago," said the man. "Forty minits late down to Noocastle. Git here quatter to three, ef nothin' more happens."

"He was on board a coal brig with me two years ago, a coasting craft that plied up along shore to Noocastle and back; and you'll find him no green hand, Cap', but a smart able chap, one that'll get out to the weather earing when there's a call to reef topsails sooner than many a full-grown seaman, for he knows his way up the rigging."

You jest wait till we gets to Noocastle, my lad, and I specs you'll larn what coal-screening is afore you've done with it." "And what if we refuse?" inquired Tom, to whom this grimy prospect did not appear over-pleasant.

"I tell 'ee wot it is, Nelly Blyth," said the man, in a somewhat stern tone of voice; "it won't suit me to dilly-dally in this here fashion any longer. You've kept me hanging off and on until I have lost my chance of gettin' to be mate of a Noocastle collier; an' here I am now, with nothin' to do, yawin' about like a Dutchman in a heavy swell, an' feelin' ashamed of myself."

Just then a suddent thawt struck me & I sed, "Oh yure the fellers who air worryin the Prince so & givin the Juke of Noocastle cold sweats at nite, by yure infernal catawalins, air you?