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In the shop a single gas-light was burning its last, and this, with that near the pier, were the only two that I saw: and ghastly enough they looked, transparently wannish, and as it were ashamed, like blinking night-things overtaken by the glare of day.

Have they the souls of night-things, and is the whole blessed town in the hands of the cats?" The fancy somehow electrified him with little shocks of shrinking and dismay. Yet, though he affected to laugh, he knew that he was beginning to feel more than uneasy, and that strange forces were tugging with a thousand invisible cords at the very centre of his being.

She got up in her night-things to do it, and then she got back to bed again, and she panted for nearly an hour after didn't she, Gen'ral?" "Yes yes come along, come along. Look at Bet! she's going to strike some 'un look at her; didn't we say as she'd be in a steaming rage. Come, Cap'n." The little boys scuttled downstairs, shouting and tumbling over one another in their flight.

'Well, don't go and make a piece of work about what can't be helped now. I'll lend you night-things, and your papa must do without your making tea for him to-night. And another time don't over-sleep yourself in a strange house; you may not always find yourself among such hospitable people as they are here.

I'll make the bed." Gertrude sat down by the fire again. Her exhaustion was evident, and she made no attempt to help her mother. Mrs. Marvell let down the chair-bed, drew it near the fire, and found some bed-clothes. Then she produced night-things of her own, and helped Gertrude undress. When her daughter was in bed, she made some tea, and dry toast, and Gertrude let them be forced on her.

She got her to take a few spoonfuls of milk and water, and then the little thing fell fast asleep. Ethelwyn's nursing days were not so far gone by that she did not know where her baby's clothes were. She gave me the child, and going to a wardrobe in the room brought out some night-things, and put them on.

Her colour, and the heaving of that billowy bosom made Winton add quickly: "Now, Betty, pull yourself together; Gyp wants you. I'll tell you all about it in the cab." The poor woman, still heaving vaguely, could only stammer: "Yes, sir. Poor little thing! What about its night-things? And Miss Gyp's?"

She had promptly retired to the little chamber assigned herself and Helena, only to reappear in fresh distress. "My suit-case with my night-things! I can't find it anywhere. The one they gave me has a lot of boys' things in it-all jumbled together. I'd like my suit-case, please.

This ship, the Enterprise, spaced out from there several days before I did. I'd say she's twelve hundred hours out of Windsor, on Curtana, now." The room was still. The breeze fluttered curtains at the open windows; from the garden below, winged night-things twittered. "I never expected it," Harkaman said. "I thought he'd take the ship out to the Old Federation at once."

'Nay, don't cry; you'll make yourself not fit to be seen. Of course I must take the consequences of your over-sleeping yourself, and if I can't manage to get you back to Hollingford to-night, you shall sleep with me, and we'll do our best to send you home to-morrow morning. 'But papa! sobbed out Molly. 'He always wants me to make tea for him; and I have no night-things.