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Young Niederberg he who wears the finest carnations on his hat, but who then, it being cold weather, wore three cock's feathers gained in wrestling-matches strutted down the Edelsheim street, arm in arm with his great friend, the fair-haired Hansel of Heinwiese, a rude young churl, praising each other for their strength of limb and good looks.

Martin at the time was leaning against his father's door. 'The devil! said Niederberg: 'why do you stay at your father's, when there is better wine and company at the Blauen Bock? Martin, however, replied that he was a hard-working man, who could only spare time to see his old father and sick sister on a festival.

Still, for many months he had a frightful illness, and even in March he was so weak you could have knocked him down with a feather. Niederberg was immediately taken into custody, and was sentenced to sit in Bruneck Castle till St.

However, father talks of dealing with Niederberg, for he must not thus despoil patient Martin." Here, indeed, was a stabbing worthy of hot Italy, rather than cooler, quieter Tyrol. It proved, too, that the serpent and old Adam still moved in that garden of Eden, Edelsheim.

'No, said Heinwiese in anger, 'thou art nothing but a miserable milk-sop, never at a wrestling-match, never at a dance. 'But, put in Niederberg, 'we'll teach thee to dance and sing; and so saying, he suddenly plunged the blade of his big pocket-knife below Martin's ribs. "Why he had become their prey none could tell, unless they were lost in drink.