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"N'York," said Spike. "Enlist there. I got a friend in Tamm'ny will see we git treated right." "Treated right how?" "Sent over quick not kept here. This guy is high up; he can get us sent." "Good!" "Only thing worries me," said Spike "sleepin' out of doors. It ain't healthy. They tell me you sleep any old place on the ground or in a chicken coop makes no matter.

Do you s'pose I'm the sort would do anything myself, or ask you to do anything, that wasn't all right? We ain't in the Four Hundred, nor yet in court circles, I don't think. And this ain't London nor it ain't Boston. Thank Gawd it's little old N'York." "But " Win persisted, and stopped. "I know what's got her goat," said Earl Usher.

De simple child o' nature had better chase himself inter de water. Every man at de end of his lines is mad or loaded or silly, an' de cop's madder an' loadeder an' sillier than de rest. Dey all take it outer de horses. Dere's no wavin' brooks ner ripplin' grass on de Belt Line. Run her out on de cobbles wid de sparks flyin', an' stop when de cop slugs you on de bone o' yer nose. Dat's N'York; see?

A fleet of 'em floatin' over N'York, loaded with gas that white stuff y' can steer wherever y' want it. We could pull a hundred million from Chicago! We c'd take over the whole United States! Try that on y' piano! Me, King Jacaro, King of America!" His dark eyes flashed. "I'll give y' Canada or Mexico, whichever y' want. Name y' price, guy.

De simple child o' nature had better chase himself inter de water. Every man at de end of his lines is mad or loaded or silly, an' de cop's madder an' loadeder an' sillier than de rest. Dey all take it outer de horses. Dere's no wavin' brooks ner ripplin' grass on de Belt Line. Run her out on de cobbles wid de sparks flyin', an' stop when de cop slugs you on de bone o' yer nose. Dat's N'York; see?

I cabled them to know if they wanted to see you, and, if they found what you had was the real goods, whether they would stake you. They cabled back, right away, that you were to go up there." "Up where?" "N'York." "But I haven't money enough to go to New York!" protested Stuart. "Who said anything about money? That's up to the paper.

"There ain't nothing much we can rightly do at this minute, Niece Louise," he told her firmly, still patting her morsel of a hand in his huge one. "We'll watch the noospapers and I'll send a telegraph dispatch to the ship news office in N'York and git just the latest word there is 'bout the Curlew. "You be brave, girl you be brave.