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But I object to the word poetical, as a distinctive term, because all myths have their foundation in the poetic idea. Ulmann, for instance, distinguishes between a myth and a legend the former containing, to a great degree, fiction combined with history, and the latter having but a few faint echoes of mythical history. In his "Prolegomena zu einer wissenshaftlichen Mythologie," cap. iv.

The rule which he there lays down, and which is cited in the text, may be considered, in a modified application, as an axiom by which we may test the probability, at least, of all sorts of traditions. None out of the pale of Vincent's church will go so far as he did in making it the criterion of positive truth. Prolog. zu einer wissenshaftlich. Mythologie.

As to the date of the work, see the editor's introduction, pp. 4 sq. Joh. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, * i. 503 sq. J. Grimm, op. cit. i. 504. The date of this need-fire is not given; probably it was about the middle of the nineteenth century. R. Andree, op. cit. pp. 314 sq.

'And again: "Ces braves gens qui, pour peu qu'ils aient lu un ou deux livres de mythologie et d'anthropologie, et un ou deux recits de voyages, ne manqueront pas de se mettre a comparer a tort et a travers, et pour tout resultat produiront la confusion."

Often they went by the name of the Judas Light or the Judas Candle; and sometimes small waxen figures of Judas were hung on them. See H.J. Feasey, op. cit. pp. 193, 213 sqq. As to the ritual of the new fire at St. G. Finamore, op. cit. pp. 123 sq. M. Lexer, "Volksüberlieferungen aus dem Lesachthal in Karnten," Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde, iii. p. 31.

This explains their eagerness to give Hagen information, if he will return their garments to them. For an account of them see Grimm's "Mythologie", 355.

Compare J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 516. With the notion that the air is poisoned at midsummer we may compare the popular belief that it is similarly infected at an eclipse.

On this subject see the Introduction to Berard's De l'origine des cultes Arcadiens, and for a further discussion of the relationships between Izdubar and Hercules, see Jeremias' Izdubar-Nimrod, pp. 70-73, or his article in Roscher's Ausführliches Lexicon der Griechischen und Römischen Mythologie, ii. 821-823.

Now I observe with pleasure that very recently an author of the psychoanalytic school is engaged on the very subject that I have recommended as so desirable. Dr. Emil F. Lorenz, in the February number of Imago, 1913, treats theTitan Motiv in der allgemeinen Mythologiein a manner that approaches my conception of it.

John's wort at Midsummer, see below, vol. ii. pp. 54 sqq. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 517 sq. From information supplied by Mr. Sigurd K. Heiberg, engineer, of Bergen, Norway, who in his boyhood regularly collected fuel for the fires. I have to thank Miss Anderson, of Barskimming, Mauchline, Ayrshire, for kindly procuring the information for me from Mr. Heiberg.