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And in the vernacular I was a "mule-whacker" or even "mule-skinner" rather than a "bull-whacker," if there is any appreciable difference in rôle. There is none, I think, to the animals. Trudging manfully at the left fore wheel behind Mr.

And next, here she was, idling until our outfit drew abreast. "Mornin'," Jenks grunted, with a shortness that bespoke his disapproval; whereupon he fell back and left us. She smiled at me. "Will you offer me a ride, sir?" My response was instant: a long "Whoa-oa!" in best mule-whacker.

I'd like to find the best man to steer them animals, an' if there's a real sientifick mule-whacker in this comp'ny let him speak up an' I'll detail him right off. It'll be a soft thing fur somebody; them mules are daises." Somehow they didn't all speak at once.

I know a man that'll give me $100 for him, and I'll whack up fair and square with you." "Shut up, you mullet-headed mule-whacker," said the Deacon irritably. "You hain't got sense enough to take care o' mules right, let alone a man. I wouldn't trust you an hour with the poorest team on my place. I'll take care o' this man myself, at least, until I kin have a talk with the boys.

You can tell stories of your trip into the Far West; your children will love to hear of the rough mule-whacker trail yes, you will have great tales but you will not mention that you killed a man who tried to kill you and then rode for a night with a strange woman alone at your stirrup.

"We hain't got your blamed old scoop-shovel; you can't git it; you ain't goin' in there until you clean your feet, an' not then onless we conclude to allow you," Shorty replied. "I'm goin' in there, or break some Wabash loon's neck," said the Wagonmaster wrathfully. "I always did like to get a chance to lick a mule-whacker," said Si, pulling off his overcoat.