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In Frenchwomen, the ratiocinationist is extraordinarily developed; her logic penetrates to the core of things. Hence it is that Mouchard washes dishes.

What secret spell of magic may have lain hidden in our friendly coachman's announcement we never knew. But the "p'tit bateau" worked magically. The figure of Mere Mouchard materialized at once into such zeal, such effusion, such a zest of welcome, that we, our bags, and our coachman were on the instant toiling up a pair of spiral wooden stairs.

If any man should be aware of the uses and sweets of friendship, is it not the moral leper known to the world as a spy, to the mob as a mouchard, to the department as an "agent"? Peyrade and Corentin were such friends as Orestes and Pylades. Peyrade had trained Corentin as Vien trained David; but the pupil soon surpassed his master. They had carried out more than one undertaking together.

But Mouchard was not the first or the second French husband who, on the threshold of his connubial experience, had doubtless had his role in life appointed to him, filling the same with patient acquiescence to the very last of the lines. There is something very touching in the subjection of French husbands. In point of meekness they may well serve, I think, as models to their kind.

It is not easy to give a notion of his conduct in the Convention, without using those emphatic terms, guillotinade, noyade, fusillade, mitraillade. It is not easy to give a notion of his conduct under the Consulate and the Empire without borrowing such words as mouchard and mouton.

'I hope that stings you; to spy and do vile work, and do it ill, Monsieur Mouchard Monsieur de Mouchard, I should say I congratulate you! 'You are not Madame de Cocheforet? I cried, stunned, even in the midst of my shame and rage, by this blow. 'No, Monsieur! she answered grimly. 'I am not! I am not. And permit me to point out for we do not all lie easily that I never said I was.