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When things went wrong he instantly blamed HIMSELF, and did not rest until he had ferreted out the stupidity or folly of which HE had been guilty. He did not grieve over his failures; he held severely scientific post mortems upon them to discover the reason why in order that there should not again be that particular kind of failure at least.

"I hate to think what Knabe and the others at the embassy will think," was the rueful comment of Schmidt. "Don't let that bother you. This plan has failed, we must plan again when again we match wits, let us hope we shall be more careful and consequently more successful. Come, enough of post mortems, let's get busy." It was a busy night for all of them.

We reported the gas to be chlorine, and the post mortems of gassed soldiers carried out by Major Rankin, blood tests by myself to exclude other possibilities, and evidence obtained elsewhere, all indicated that the gas employed had been chlorine. The New Zealand division which had come into our area, held the line in front of Armentieres.

People have already forgotten that a year ago to reach Soissons from Meaux the broken bridges forced them to make a détour of fifty miles. The lesson of it is that the French people have no time to waste upon post mortems. With us, fifty years after the event, there are those who still talk of Sherman's raid through Columbia, who are so old that they hum hymns of hate about it.

The conclusion was obvious and damning. Being accustomed to post mortems, my friend settled the point forthwith, the warm canary being revealed, with but slightly disarrayed feathers. A further illustration of the capacious and criminal appetite of the frog may be quoted. The wet season had been generous and prolonged, the crop of frogs prolific.

So the liver is especially liable to diseases produced by alcoholics. Post mortems of those who have died while intoxicated show a larger amount of alcohol in the liver than in any other organ. Next to the stomach the liver is an early and late sufferer, and this is especially the case with hard drinkers, and even more moderate drinkers in hot climates.

Criticism to-day is all too much in the case of that doctor whose practice was deadly, indeed, but his post- mortems admirable! No doubt such lectures would consist at times of highly contentious matter, but what of that? There could be several chairs. It would not be an impossible thing to set a few Extension Lecturers afloat upon the same channel.