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This Modibinne is Mansong's prime minister; he is a Mahomedan, but not intolerant in his principles. Isaaco accordingly departed on the 28th with his wife and all his goods. Ever since my arrival at Marraboo I had been subject to attacks of the dysentery; and as I found that my strength was failing very fast, I resolved to charge myself with mercury.

Modibinne and the same people returned with Mansong's answer, a literal translation of which I give as follows. If you wish to go to the East, no man shall harm you from Sego till you pass Tombuctoo. If you wish to go to the West, you may travel through Fooladoo and Manding, through Kasson and Bondou; the name of Mansong's stranger will be a sufficient protection for you.

What I have now spoken, I hope and trust you will not mention to any person, except Mansong and his son; for if the Moors should hear of it, I shall certainly be murdered before I reach the salt water." Modibinne answered, "We have heard what you have spoken. Your journey is a good one, and may God prosper you in it; Mansong will protect you.

Isaaco said, that he thought Mansong was rather afraid of us; particularly as he never once expressed a wish to see us, but rather the contrary. September 22d. In the evening, Modibinne and four more of Mansong's friends arrived in a canoe. They sent for me, and Modibinne told me, that they were come by Mansong's orders to hear, from my own mouth, what had brought me into Bambarra.

Park explained them, telling them that it was his wish to sail down the Joliba, or Niger, to the place where it mixes with the salt water, and that if the navigation was found open, the white men would send up vessels to trade at Sego, should Mansong wish it. Modibinne replied that the object of the journey was a good one, and prayed that God would prosper it, adding, "Mansong will protect you."

He said I might think on it during the night, and they would visit me in the morning; he said Mansong had sent me a bullock, which he shewed me: it was very fat, and milk white. September 23d. As soon as we had breakfasted, Modibinne and the four grandees came to visit us.

A girl 40,000 A horse from two to ten prime male slaves An ass 17,000 A sheep 3 to 5,000 A fowl 250 to 300 As much excellent fat beef as will be sufficient for seven men one day 620 As much good beer as the same number can drink in one day 300 October 16th. Modibinne and Jower arrived, and told me that they had brought a canoe from Mansong.

Mansong had never yet seen any of them; and when he heard that I was arrived at Samee, he desired Modibinne to inform Isaaco that he had best take the articles up to Samee; and he would send a person to receive them from my own hand.

Next morning Modibinne and the grandees came to the camp and desired Park to acquaint them with the motives which had induced him to come into their country.

When they had seated themselves, and the usual compliments passed, Modibinne desired me to acquaint them with the motives which had induced me to come into their country. I spoke to them in the Bambarra language as follows. "I am the white man who nine years ago came into Bambarra. This generous conduct of Mansong towards me, has made his name much respected in the land of the white people.