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There was but little decomposition, a fact attributed to some preservative property in the mineral-bearing soil. Above the left eyebrow was a wound a deep gash from which blood had flowed, covering the whole left side of the face and neck and saturating the light-gray shirt. The skull had been cut through by the blow. The body was that of Charles May. But what was it that passed through Mr.

But the main object of their quest, the copper-bearing serpentine, was not found until they had gained the summit of the Blomidon range and were in full view of the sea. Then they came to a distinct outcrop of mineral-bearing rock that caused the eyes of the young geologist to glisten with anticipation.

The occult scientific reasons for the connection may not be understood; but it is sufficient for practical purposes to know that, in a certain line from the surface outcropping of a mineral lode, there has been given a demonstration of less electrical resistance along that line than is experienced in any other direction; also to know that such a line of least resistance is proved to have been, in almost innumerable instances, coincident with the best line of mineral-bearing country.

They had a right to take all of the mineral-bearing earth that they could. Suddenly, however, their talk stopped. "What are you doing, Eph?" demanded Sam indignantly. "Nothing. What do you mean?" asked Eph in an astonished voice. "You threw a rock at me." "I didn't." "You did. Ouch! There's another." "One hit me, too," cried Eph, springing up, and at the same moment a yell came from Masterson.

Exploratory telegraphy seems likely to claim a position in the twentieth century economics of mining, its particular rôle being to aid in the determination of the "strike" of mineral-bearing lodes.

"I wish thar was some way of gittin' thar." "If there is even only a small fraction of the mineral-bearing sand there," said the professor, "there's a fortune in it." "Wa'al if you can't git it out what good is it?" said Zeb philosophically. "Anyhow, I'm glad that Sanchez spoke the truth with his dying words. Maybe thar is some way, except by water, in spite of what he said."

If, then, moisture be favourable, first to the presence of mineral-bearing country and secondly to the conductivity of electrical lines, it is obvious that there is a hopeful field for the exercise of ingenuity in bringing the one into a practical relation to the other.

He fell on his knees at Dick's boots as if they had been sacred, and with trembling fingers flaked off, into his left palm, some black mud which stuck to them. Then he stood erect, his face aglow with triumph and enthusiasm such as the man of science rarely permitted himself. "Gentlemen," he said, with a flourish, "there is no reason to look further for the mineral-bearing ground."

It is altogether a charming spot, and a perfect picture of fine scenery. There is a large quantity of excellent and valuable timber in this district, as well as abundant evidence of mineral-bearing quartz. I believe that, some day, other Johannesburgs are destined to rise in the Northern part of the Transvaal, rivalling, or perhaps even eclipsing, the treasures already discovered in the Randt.

A remarkable feature of this region, besides its great agricultural possibilities, is that the surface exposure in the hillsides shows distinct mineral-bearing horizons, beds of zinc carbonates, whose promise of zinc sulphide at a greater depth is absolutely reliable.