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Updated: January 20, 2025
Of osseous tissue, hardness, stiffness, and toughness. 2. Of muscular tissue, contractility and irritability. 3. Of nervous tissue, irritability and conductivity. 4. Of cartilaginous tissue, stiffness and elasticity. 5. Of connective tissue, toughness and pliability. 6. Of epithelial tissue, ability to resist the action of external forces and power to secrete.
The anode and the cathode are immediately distinguished in a tube of rarefied gas by their peculiar appearance; and the conductivity does not appear, under certain conditions, to be the same for the two modes of electrification.
*Properties of Neurons.*—The work of the neurons seems to depend mainly upon two properties—the property of irritability and the property of conductivity. It has the same meaning here. The neurons, however, respond more readily to stimuli than do the muscles and are therefore more irritable.
The Organ of Mind. Gross Structure. Microscopic Structure. The Neurone. The Nervous Impulse. The Synapse. Properties of Nervous Tissue Impressibility, Conductivity, Modifiability. Pathways Used in Study Sensory, Motor, Association. Study is a Process of Making Pathways in Brain. Definition of Habit. Examples. Inevitableness of Habits in Brain and Nervous System.
Every department of mechanics was stimulated and benefited to an extraordinary degree. Copper for the circuits was more highly refined than ever before to secure the best conductivity, and purity was insisted on in every kind of insulation. Edison was intolerant of sham and shoddy, and nothing would satisfy him that could not stand cross-examination by microscope, test-tube, and galvanometer.
A very complete study of the conductivity of air under the influence of rays of uranium has been made by various physicists, particularly by Professor Rutherford, and has shown that the laws of the phenomenon are the same as those of the ionization due to the action of the Röntgen rays.
It is then coiled on a frame and its rate of discharge measured by the electroscope. The radio-activity of the various rocks of our neighbourhood; this by direct measurement of the rock. The conductivity of the air, that is, the relative movement of ions in the air; by movement of air past charged surface.
Two or three of those in the stern were placed in contact with some of the electric machinery by which the rudder was usually turned, and through them were sent rapid and energetic currents, whose passage rendered the covering of the wires, notwithstanding their great conductivity, too hot to be touched.
Tom was filled with enthusiasm, and he was sure it was going to be successful this time. Ned watched him prepare the selenium plates plates that were so sensitive to illumination that, in the dark, the metal would hardly transmit a current of electricity, but in the light would do so readily, its conductivity depending on the amount of light it received.
The percentage dissociation is determined by studying the electrical conductivity of the solutions and by other physico-chemical methods, and the following general statements summarize the results: !Salts!, as a class, are largely dissociated in aqueous solution. The organic acids, on the other hand, belong generally to the group of "weak acids."
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