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The Doctor still read from cover to cover his Lancet and his Medical Journal, attended all professional gatherings, worked himself into an alternate state of exaltation and depression over the results of the election of officers, and reserved for himself a den of his own, in which before rows of little round bottles full of glycerine, Canadian balsam, and staining agents, he still cut sections with a microtome, and peeped through his long, brass, old-fashioned microscope at the arcana of nature.

Occasional expeditions to the coast or dredgings are the only links that attach him to nature; the scalpel and the microtome have replaced the collector's pins, and the magnifying glass gives place to the microscope. When the observer begins to pursue his studies in the laboratory he no longer cares to pass the threshold.

All the doors of the laboratory were panelled with blackboard, and on these were the half-erased diagrams of the previous day's work. The laboratory was empty, save for the demonstrator, who sat near the preparation-room door, and silent, save for a low, continuous murmur and the clicking of the rocker microtome at which he was working.

I behold the results, but fail to understand the working of the machine. I leave the problem to the masters of the microtome and the scalpel. Of the six Garden Spiders that form the object of my observations, two only, the Banded and the silky Epeira, remain constantly in their webs, even under the blinding rays of a fierce sun. The others, as a rule, do not show themselves until nightfall.

The clicking of the microtome ceased, and the demonstrator looked at his watch, rose, thrust his hands into his pockets, and walked slowly down the laboratory towards the lecture theatre door. He stood listening for a moment, and then his eye fell on the little volume by William Morris.

Then a firm footfall approached the door, which began to open, and stood ajar, as some indistinctly heard question arrested the new-comer. The demonstrator turned, walked slowly back past the microtome, and left the laboratory by the preparation-room door.

She didn't mean, he concluded, to give him any more trouble ever, and he was free to begin a fresh chromatic novel he had just finished the Blue Lagoon, which he thought very beautiful and tender and absolutely irrelevant to Morningside Park or work in peace at his microtome without bothering about her in the least. The immense disillusionment that awaited him! The devastating disillusionment!

What a number of products to come from that curious factory, a Spider's belly! I behold the results, but fail to understand the working of the machine. I leave the problem to the masters of the microtome and the scalpel. The Epeirae are monuments of patience in their lime-snare.

His lecture over, Professor Ainslie Grey paid a visit to his laboratory, where he adjusted several scientific instruments, made a note as to the progress of three separate infusions of bacteria, cut half-a-dozen sections with a microtome, and finally resolved the difficulties of seven different gentlemen, who were pursuing researches in as many separate lines of inquiry.

It's very good to have a friend by one, but I should have worried at keeping you from your work. Now I'm relieved.... Is the laboratory here well equipped?" "Quite sufficiently for my purposes. Of course I'm sending to Paris for my own microscope it's a Zeiss, with a one-twelfth oil immersion and I'll have my own rocker microtome sent over also.