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No evidence could be obtained of electricity. Ann. der Physik und Chemie. An interesting contribution was made by M. Mercadier in a recent number of the Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Francaise.

Captain Mercadier had chosen that place of retreat for the simple reason that he had been born there, and because, in his noisy childhood, he had pulled down the signs and plugged up the bell-buttons.

And the small city, proud of so many things, was also proud of its retired Captain. Perfect happiness exists nowhere, and Captain Mercadier, who believed that he had found it at the Café Prosper, soon recovered from his illusion. For one thing, on Mondays, the market-day, the Café Prosper was untenantable. From early morning it was overrun with truck-peddlers, farmers, and poultrymen.

It is of no importance, the name of the little provincial city where Captain Mercadier twenty-six years of service, twenty-two campaigns, and three wounds installed himself when he was retired on a pension.

One of the king's friends answered, "Mercadier is necessary, my lord the king, to your war. We should lose our pains and also his services if the Lincoln bishop's anathema should take effect." The king agreed that the risk was too heavy, so he ordered Stephen de Turnham to take charge of the bishop's goods, as he loved his life and limbs.

Captain Mercadier twenty-six years of service, twenty-two campaigns, and three wounds had just retired on his pension, not quite two thousand francs, which, joined to the two hundred and fifty francs from his cross, placed him in that estate of honorable penury which the State reserves for its old servants. His entry into his natal city was without ostentation.

On the ground of some novel and some already accepted experimental evidence, M. Mercadier holds that the mechanism by virtue of which the telephonic diaphragms execute their movements is analogous to, if not identical with, that by which solid bodies of any form, a wall for instance, transmit to one of their surfaces all the vibratory movements of any kind which are produced in the air in contact with the other surface.

"Those English are scared at shadows," he said; "let us send Mercadier. He will know how to play with the Burgundian fellow." This amiable man was the captain of the Routiers, whose playful habits may be guessed from the fact that he is the gentleman who afterwards skinned Bertrand de Gourdon for shooting the king.