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The dog, although a large and powerful retriever, whimpered, trembled and crawled up close. The sound increased in volume. The yowling meouw came louder, louder and nearer, then suddenly clear and close, as though the creature had rounded a point and entered an opening. It was positively blood-curdling now.

Puss looked up and saw the church tower looming up in the dark. At once she began to meouw and caterwaul with all her might. She hoped that some one in one of the houses near the river bank might catch the sound. But none seemed to hear or heed. At last, when Puss was nearly dead with howling, a light appeared at one of the windows. This showed that some one was up and moving.

Come out!" cried Bert, as he pried off the last slat. "Meouw!" cried Snoop, as he came slowly out of the box in which he had ridden from Cuba. Out walked the black cat. He looked about him strangely for a moment, and then began to purr, and rubbed up against Flossie's legs. They all looked anxiously at Snap. The dog glanced at the cat, stretched lazily and wagged his tail.

Suddenly, the cat waked from her sleep and with a sharp meouw leaped to her mistress' shoulder; who screamed, dropped the ladle, splashed the stew, and boxed the animal's ears all within a few seconds. Her nerves were already tingling from the electricity in the air, and her anxiety returned with such force that, again swinging the crane around away from the fire, she hurried to the beach.

Come out!" cried Bert, as he pried off the last slat. "Meouw!" cried Snoop, as he came slowly out of the box in which he had ridden from Cuba. Out walked the black cat. He looked about him strangely for a moment, and then began to purr, and rubbed up against Flossie's legs. They all looked anxiously at Snap. The dog glanced at the cat, stretched lazily and wagged his tail.

Far at the back sat Goliath, curled into a comfortable ball, his front paws tucked under, and purring loudly. "He's sitting on an old newspaper, I think," said Joyce. "He always does that if he can find one, because they're warm." Suddenly she snatched at the paper so violently that Goliath went tobogganing off with a protesting "meouw."