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CONRAD. It means that the first man to live three hundred years maynt have the slightest notion that he is going to do it, and may be the loudest laugher of the lot. SAVVY. Or the first woman? HASLAM. Well, it wont be one of us, anyhow. FRANKLYN. How do you know? This is unanswerable. None of them have anything more to say. The Thing Happens

The parlor maid comes back. THE PARLOR MAID. Any letters for the post, sir? FRANKLYN. Told me what? HASLAM. She is going to leave you? FRANKLYN. Indeed? I'm sorry. Is it our fault, Mr Haslam? HASLAM. Not a bit. She is jolly well off here. But I have only one life to live; and I maynt get a second chance. The two brothers look inquiringly at Haslam. HASLAM. Silly girl!

Whaley as keeps the 'Farmers. Well she rote to Hannah and me to send her up some chickins and duks and eggs and butter and other fresh frutes and vegetubbles, which she sez as they doo ask sich onlawful prices for em in the city markits as she cant conshuenshusly giv it. So she wants Hannah and me to soopli her. And mabee we may and mabee we maynt; but that's nyther here nur there.

"Oh, Duke, Duke, are you not ashamed of yourself?" "Deuce a bit. But I'm in trouble; and I want you to stand by me. Look here, Marian, you have no nonsense about you, I know. I may tell you frankly how I am situated, maynt I?" Marian looked at him apprehensively, and said nothing. "You see you will only mix up matters worse than before unless you know the truth.