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When any secreted fluid is produced in an unusual quantity, and at the same time the power of absorption is increased in equal proportion, not only the heat of the gland becomes more intense, but the secreted fluid becomes thicker and milder, its thinner and saline parts being re-absorbed: and these are distinguishable both by their greater consistence, and by their heat, from the fluids, which are effused by the retrograde motions of the lymphatics; as is observable towards the termination of gonorrhoea, catarrh, chincough, and in those ulcers, which are said to abound with laudable pus.

Locally the snake inflicts a double wound, passing vertically into the subcutaneous tissue; the edges of the punctures are ecchymosed, and the adjacent vessels the seat of thrombosis. Immediately there is intense pain, and considerable swelling with congestion, which tends to spread towards the trunk. Extensive gangrene may ensue. There is no special involvement of the lymphatics.

These, probably through the lymphatics, passed to the joints and to some other places, thus being the origin of the metastic abscesses which produced death. Fifth observation.

For example: an abscess in the integument or subcutaneous cellular tissue usually results from infection by organisms which have entered through a wound or abrasion of the surface, or along the ducts of the skin; an abscess in the breast from organisms which have passed along the milk ducts opening on the nipple, or along the lymphatics which accompany these.

The arteries, veins, and nerves had not undergone any alteration, but the lymphatics were very much dilated and loaded with lymph. The third case was from Fabricius Hildanus, and the fourth from Hendy. Unfortunately there is no medical description of the case on record, but the photograph is deemed worthy of reproduction.

We have learned that various food materials, prepared by the digestive processes, are taken up by the branches of the portal vein, or by the lymphatics, and carried into the blood current. The nutritive material thus absorbed is conveyed by the blood plasma and the lymph to the various tissues to provide them with nourishment.

XXIV. 2. 7. and one kind of jaundice is brought on. There is reason to believe, that the bile is most frequently returned into the circulation by the inverted motions of these hepatic glands, for the bile does not seem liable to be absorbed by the lymphatics, for it soaks through the gall-ducts, and is frequently found in the cellular membrane.

Mas ti ca'tion. The process of grinding, or chewing, food in the mouth. Mes'en ter y. Mu'cous mem'brane. The lining membrane, or tissue, of the entire alimentary canal. It is very complex in structure, has different characteristics in different areas, and contains nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics, and in various parts special structures such as glands. It secretes mucous.

Can the chyle get thither, but by an inverted motion of the cutaneous lymphatics? in the same manner as it is carried to the bladder, by the inverted motions of the urinary lymphatics. Medic. Observat. and Enq. London, vol. v.

He has further found that, as compared with the uteri of very many of the lower animals, the human uterus is very scantily supplied with lymphatics, and the only way to rid the uterus of the overripe, and therefore consequently useless, tissue is to wash it out through the vagina by a blood-stream.