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Thus Master Milo, and his eyes were guileless as an angel's, but his buttons ! "Hum!" said Barnabas, rubbing his chin. "But how did you get in, Imp?" "Froo de winder, sir, I did. An' I 've come to tell you 'is Ludship's compliments, and 'e's a-comin' along wiv 'er, 'e is." "With whom?" "Wiv my lady 'er." "What lady?" "Wiv 'is Ludship's lady, 'is Vi-coun-tess, 'er."

'I am sure you did not, my lud; and my learned friend, should he ever sit in your ludship's seat, will be able to say as much for himself, when at some future time he may be ; but, my lud, Mr. Chaffanbrass is now in court. And as he spoke, Mr.

He entered the clerk's office and asked whether "the governor" was alone. "No, he ain't," replied a friendly young man. "He's got a lord with him." "A what?" "A peer of the realm, sir! I had the honour of taking his ludship's card in Lord Poll-parrot. Can't say I ever heard of him before." "What d'you mean? See here, I'm in a hurry; no kid, Simpson." "Well, it might be Poll-parrot.

Since then we have nothing from him but a cabled refusal in answer to the letter which my client wrote the following day in great distress, begging him to return to her. With your Ludship's permission. I shall now put Mrs. Dartie in the box." When his mother rose, Val had a tremendous impulse to rise too and say: 'Look here!

Since then we have nothing from him but a cabled refusal in answer to the letter which my client wrote the following day in great distress, begging him to return to her. With your Ludship's permission. I shall now put Mrs. Dartie in the box." When his mother rose, Val had a tremendous impulse to rise too and say: 'Look here!

He caught up a dingy-looking document, opened it, and, thrusting the pen which was in his "ludship's" hand into the ink, he and the prisoner at the bar crowded up to see the signature which Charlie wrote as he had been told to do, in a distinct schoolboy's hand.

"Thou wilt sleep there for a time, at least until 'is Ludship's guests 'ave gone; the nurseries 'ave been turned into guests' rooms, 'is Ludship 'as Royalty beneath 'is roof and bade me take the the child to the furth'rest room and keep hits squawking 'ushed!" With a deprecating gesture, she shuffled from the room.

So did the Cap'n, and the Doochess an' Lady Cleone they all 'elped 'em to do it, they did. An' now they're goin' into the country, to Deven'am, an' I'm a-goin' wiv 'em an' they're a-drivin' over to see you, sir, in 'is Ludship's noo phayton an' that's all no, it ain't though." "What more, Imp?"