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And let me tell you, madame, that if it had not been for you, she would not have come here at all. You took that card to her?" Ulrika frowned. "I was compelled," she said. "She made me take it. I promised." She turned her dull eyes slowly on Gueldmar. "It was Lovisa's fault. Ask Lovisa about it." She paused, and moistened her dry lips with her tongue.

To all the curious inquiries that were made concerning the cause of Lovisa's desire to see the bonde before she died, Ulrika vouchsafed no reply, and the villagers, who stood somewhat in awe of her as a woman of singular godliness and discreet reputation, soon refrained from asking any more questions.

She died four years after Britta's birth her death was hastened, so I have heard, through old Lovisa's harsh treatment, anyhow the little lass she left behind her had no very easy time of it all alone with her grandmother, eh Britta?" Britta looked up and shook her head emphatically.

At that moment, Lorimer, Duprez, and Macfarlane came on the scene, thinking they had kept aloft long enough, and the strange disappearance of the two girls was rapidly explained to them. They listened astonished and almost incredulous, but agreed with the bonde as to Lovisa's probable share in the matter. "Look here!" said Lorimer excitedly.

A strange solemnity shadowed the bonde's features. He turned his eyes upon her steadily. "Blessing and honor be to the gods of my fathers!" he said "I found her living!" The change that came over Lovisa's face at these words was inexpressibly awful she grew livid and her lips twitched convulsively. "Living living!" she gasped. "Living!" repeated Gueldmar sternly. "Vile hag!

Ulrika shuddered slightly as she rose from the ground and stood erect, drawing her shawl closely about her. "You hate her so much, Lovisa?" she asked, almost timidly. Lovisa's face darkened, and her yellow, claw-like hand closed round her strong staff in a cruel and threatening manner. "Hate her!" she muttered, "I have hated her ever since she was born! I hated her mother before her!

What was the good of horrifying the girl by telling her that her deceased relative was to all intents and purposes a murderess? She resolved to let the secret of old Lovisa's life remain buried with her. Therefore she simply answered "Her mind wandered greatly, it was difficult to hear her last words. But it should satisfy you, Britta, to know that she passed away in the fear of the Lord."

The mystery of the old hag's hatred of his daughter was now made clear she resembled her mother too closely to escape Lovisa's malice.