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When Cottle's publishing business was transferred to Longmans in 1799, the value of the copyright of "Lyrical Ballads," for which Cottle had paid the authors 30 guineas, was estimated at nothing. Cottle then presented the copyright to Wordsworth and Coleridge.

Longmans, Green. PEACOCKE, E. M. Dicky, Knight-Errant. McBride. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN. *Girl and the Faun, The. Lippincott. RANSOME, ARTHUR. *Old Peter's Russian Tales. Stokes. RENDALL, VERNON HORACE. London Nights of Belsize, The. Lane. "ROHMER, SAX." Hand of Fu-Manchu, The. McBride. "SAPPER." *No Man's Land. Doran. STACPOOLE, H. DE VERE. Sea Plunder. Lane.

HUGHES, M.L.V. Citizens To Be. 1915. Constable. 4s. 6d. net. JENKS, J.W. Citizenship and the Schools. 1909. New York: Holt. 6s. 0d. KERSCHENSTEINER, GEORG. Education for Citizenship. Tr. A.J. Pressland. 1915. Harrap. 2s. 0d. net. The Schools and the Nation. 1914. Macmillan. 6s. 0d. net. Macmillan. 105s. 0d. net. MORGAN, ALEXANDER. Education and Social Progress. 1916. Longmans. 3s. 6d. net.

But, as between man and woman, Christianity has given every possible advantage to men, and has added needlessly to the natural burdens of women. JAMES DONALDSON, Woman: Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome and Among the Early Christians, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907.

Cadell's scheme of the Magnum wisely acquiesced in by the trustees, and facilitated by a bold purchase at auction of Constable's copyrights for some eight thousand pounds, and later, of those of the poems from Longmans for about the same or a little less was turning out a great success.

Strangely enough, Rogers was at first dissatisfied with the offer, holding that the sum should be paid for the new volumes alone. To their great discomfiture the Longmans only offered £1000 for the privilege that Murray had valued at three times the amount; and Crabbe and his friends were placed in a difficult position.

The International Crisis in its Ethical and Psychological Aspects. Humphrey Milford. G. Lowes Dickinson, After the War. Fifield. C.E. Hooper, The Wider Outlook beyond the World-War. Watts & Co. F.N. Keen, The World in Alliance. Southwood. Norman Angell, Prussianism and its Destruction. Heinemann. Allison Phillips, The Confederation of Europe. Longmans. The New Statesman. Special Supplement.

This corroborates my theory, that the Mask was merely the valet of a Huguenot conspirator, Roux de Marsilly, captured in England, and imprisoned because he was supposed to know some terrible secret which he knew nothing about. See The Valet's Tragedy, Longmans, 1903.

"Something like MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE or LONGMANS'; LONGMANS' is better because it has a whole page, not columns. It makes no end of difference to one's effects." "What effects?" asked Shoesmith abruptly. "Oh! a pause or a white line or anything. You've got to write closer for a double column. It's nuggetty. You can't get a swing on your prose." I had discussed this thoroughly with Britten.

Specimens of the Short-Story, G.H. Nettleton, H. Holt & Co. Story-Writing and Journalism, Sherwin Cody, Funk & Wagnalls Co. Talks on Writing English, Arlo Bates, Houghton Mifflin Co. The Writing of the Short-Story, L.W. Smith, D.C. Heath & Co. The Philosophy of the Short-Story, Brander Matthews, Longmans, Green, & Co. The World's Greatest Short-Stories, Sherwin Cody, A.C. McClurg & Co.