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"As you see," he said, "we're running into some new sort of hell," and he glanced impatiently at the potential riot ahead. "Have these men keep the course and look out for things, will you? I'm going down to the engine-room for a few minutes." "Very well, sir," said the young officer. Dan found old Jim Arthur, the chief, swearing softly as he moved about his engines with a long-spouted oil can.

She sat with the insensible child on her lap by the fire, where a long-spouted kettle sent forth jets of steam. "This here jelly what I've brought would put life in a corpse I do b'lieve; an' them butivul grapes, tu, they'll cool his fever to rights, I should judge." "He 'm past all that," said Phoebe. "Never!" cried the other woman. "He'm a bit easier to my thinkin'."

He looked at the bony, trembling hands, with their huge, knotted knuckles, the stringy throat, and the heaving, rounded shoulders. Could this, indeed, be the last of that band of heroes? Then he glanced at the half-filled phials, the blue liniment bottles, the long-spouted kettle, and the sordid details of the sick room.

The boat was at times near Brazil in sight of Fernando de Noroña, yet even while viewing the conical huts of the negroes installed on an island under an equatorial sun, the crews could almost believe thanks to Uncle Caragol's magic that they were eating in a cabin of the farmland of Valencia, as they passed from hand to hand the long-spouted jug filled with strong wine from Liria.

Apparently the fellow was engaged in oiling the machinery, for he had placed the lantern on deck, and held a long-spouted can in his fingers. His back remained toward me as I drew near the stern, and, consequently, I no longer had a glimpse of his face.

There were no knives or forks, but in their place were chop-sticks such as the Chinese used. Spoons also were on the table. A tall and long-spouted teapot was always the finest piece of ware.