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"They're there, and in possession." "Nonsense!" snorted Barkley. "How much title have they got? You say yourself they've never filed a town-site plat. We can go in there and take the town away from under their feet, and they can't help themselves. More than that, I'll bet there's not one mining claim out of fifty that we can't 'adverse' in the courts and take away from its dinky locater.

"This was done, Doctor, while your trustworthy Greaser locater, d n him, lay there drunk. What's to be done now?" But the Doctor was making his way to the unfortunate cause of their defeat, lying there quite mute to their reproaches. The others followed him. The Doctor knelt beside Concho, unrolled him, placed his hand upon his wrist, his ear over his heart, and then said: "Dead." "Of course.

While the former's knowledge of practical mining was extended, the latter's was limited. "I think thet thar ar' bigger prospects yet, in further," the old locater was saying. "I ain't much varsed on jeeological an' toppygraffical formation, myself, ye see; but then, it kinder 'peers to me thet this quartz vein ar' a-goin' to hold out fer a consider'ble time yet." "Doubtless.

And she, the Godforsaken fool, the chuckle-headed nigger baby, with not half the sense of her own filly or that sop-headed Hopper had never seen it! She SHE who would be the laughing-stock of them all she had thought him a "locater," a "towny" from 'Frisco!

As if every felly that owed me a whisky bill didn't come to me and say, 'Ah, Misther Roscommon, or 'Moike, as the case moight be, sure it's an illigant sthrike I've made this day, and it's meself that has put down your name as an original locater, and yer fortune's made, Mr. Roscommon, and will yer fill me up another quart for the good luck betune you and me.