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About two o'clock in the morning, brother Liebisch perceived some salt water to drop from the roof of the snow-house upon his lips. Though rather alarmed on tasting the salt, which could not proceed from a common spray, he kept quiet till the same dropping became more frequently repeated.

When the accounts of Brazen's departure reached the Unity Elders' Conference, they appointed Samuel Liebisch superintendant of the mission, who, on the 16th August, the same year, arrived at Nain with some new assistants to the mission.

Terrified at this alarming account, sister Liebisch called in the rest of the family, and the Esquimaux was examined as to his meaning; but his answer was little less obscure. He seemed so certain of the destruction of the missionaries, that he was with difficulty prevailed on to wait some time for their return.

Through mercy, they were preserved in good health, and brother Liebisch quite unexpectedly recovered on the first day of his sore throat.

The Esquimaux were soon fast asleep, but brother Liebisch could not get any rest, partly on account of the dreadful roaring of the wind and sea, and partly owing to a sore throat which gave him great pain.

The missionaries having roused the sleeping Esquimaux, they instantly set to work, One of them with a knife cut a passage through the house, and each seizing some part of the baggage, threw it out on a higher part of the beach; brother Turner assisting them. Brother Liebisch and the woman and child fled to a neighbouring eminence.

A sloop of war arrives to examine the settlement the Captain's report. Jans Haven's voyage to the north interesting occurrences. Lauritz leaves Nain his concluding address. The Brethren propose new settlements disastrous voyage in search of a situation. Liebisch appointed Superintendant. An Angekok baptized his address to the natives.

The missionaries remained in the snowhouse, and every day endeavoured to boil so much water over their lamps, as might supply them with two cups of coffee a-piece. Through mercy they were preserved in good health, and, quite unexpectedly, brother Liebisch recovered on the first day of his sore throat.

C.J. Latrobe, Secretary to the mission, who compiled the narrative from the private journal of one of the party: "Brother Samuel Liebisch being at that time entrusted with the general care of the brethren's missions on the coast of Labrador; the duties of his office required a visit to Okkak, the most northern of our settlements, and about one hundred and fifty English miles distant from Nain, the place where he resided.

Before the day dawned, the Esquimaux cut a hole in a large drift of snow, to serve as a shelter to the woman and child and the two missionaries. Brother Liebisch, however, owing to the pain in his throat, could not bear the closeness of the air, and was obliged to sit down at the entrance, being covered with skins, to guard him against the cold.