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But the fact is, that we have been talking of a fair widow, the beauty of Austria, and as proud and as unassailable as Ehrenbreitstein itself. Legard's vanity is piqued; and so as a professed lady-killer he intends to see what can be effected by the handsomest Englishman of his time." Caroline laughed, and new claimants on her notice succeeded to Lord Devonport.

Not so his friend, Lord Doltimore, who has a little too much of the green-room lounge and French cafe manner for my taste." "Doltimore, Legard, names new to me; I never met them at the rectory." "Possibly they are staying at Admiral Legard's, in the neighbourhood. Miss Merton made their acquaintance at Knaresdean. A good old lady the most perfect Mrs.

Money, the most elastic of materials, falls short or exceeds, according to the extent of our wants and desires. With all Legard's good qualities he was constitutionally careless and extravagant; and Evelyn was too inexperienced, and too gentle, perhaps, to correct his tendencies.

Money, the most elastic of materials, falls short or exceeds, according to the extent of our wants and desires. With all Legard's good qualities he was constitutionally careless and extravagant; and Evelyn was too inexperienced, and too gentle, perhaps, to correct his tendencies.

But you must start for London immediately." A week ago, and Legard's utmost ambition would have been amply gratified by this post; he now hesitated. "My dear lord," said he, "I cannot say how grateful I feel for your kindness; but but " "Enough; no thanks, my dear Legard. Can you go to town to-morrow?" "Indeed," said Legard, "I fear not; I must consult my uncle."

The sight of the stables reminded Caroline of the Arab horses; and at the word "horses" Lord Doltimore seized Legard's arm and carried him off to inspect the animals. Caroline, her father, and the admiral followed. Mr. Cleveland happened not to have on his walking-shoes; and the flagstones in the courtyard looked damp; and Mr.

There was so much serious and earnest feeling in these words that they went home at once to Legard's sympathies. He felt irresistibly impelled to learn the worst.