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He caught sight of me as he came back, and seating himself upon a branch, not six feet from my head, began chatterin' and barkin' as if givin' me a regular lecter for invadin' his premises, and takin' possession of his tree. He didn't seem to understand the matter at all, and I didn't undertake to explain the reason of my being there.

Then he'd look kind of sorry for havin' said it, and tell how kind some of the good women was to him, how one spread an edder-down comforter for him, and another fixed up somethin' hot for him after the lecter, and another one said, "There now, you smoke that cigar of yours after the lecter, jest as if you was at home," and if they'd all been like that, he'd have gone on lectering forever, but, as it was, he had got pooty nigh enough of it, and preferred a nateral death to puttin' himself out of the world by such violent means as lecterin'.

'I've got a dance-hall up-stairs. Be you a showman? I said I was a lecturer by profession, and asked if churches were ever used for such purposes in Sidon. 'Never heard of any. 'Ain't got no church. Be you goin' to lecter? I replied that I thought some of it, and inquired if it was common to use his hall for lectures. 'Wal, Sidon ain't much of a place for shows anyhow.

So I would ef it hadn't 'a ben fer you, but you give me this little ban', Miss Amy, an' looked at me as if I wa'n't a beast, an' it's ben a liftin' me up ever sence. Oh, I've had good folks talk at me an' lecter, an' I ben in jail, but it all on'y made me mad. The best on 'em wouldn't 'a teched me no more than they would a rattler, sich as we killed on the mountain.

The singing was spiritless, and as the people filed out of church and gathered in knots about the door, the old-time head-shaking was resumed, and the comments were many and unfavourable. "Dat's what his schoolin' done fo' him," said one. "It wasn't nothin' mo'n a lecter," was another's criticism. "Put him 'side o' his father," said one of the Rev.