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The others return on a given day they arrive by train Laczi or Benkó or Pál is not amongst them. Where is he? Well! they were not all in the same regiment; they have seen little or nothing of one another during these three years. The anxious mothers rush to Barna Jenö the mayor and he drafts a letter of inquiry which is duly sent off to the proper authorities at Budapest.

To begin: Poor Satan Laczi was buried yesterday may God have mercy on his sinful soul! They fired three salvos over his grave, and the primate himself said the prayers for his soul. If Satan Laczi himself could have seen it all, he could hardly have believed that so much honor would be shown to his dead body. Poor Laczi! His last words were a greeting to his kind patron."

The uninjured on turning found themselves confronted by Satan Laczi and his comrades, who, black and slimy from their passage through the morass, sprang like tigers upon the foe. "Strike for their heads!" commanded Satan Laczi, as, with sabers drawn, the ex-robbers rushed upon the bewildered demons, who had at last met their match.

The count now recognized the woman's face. He had seen her with the lad who had been his protégé, and who was now a member of the baroness's household. It was the wife of Satan Laczi. "No, she is not dead," he repeated; "she has only fainted." The baroness hastily fetched her smelling-salts, and held them to the unconscious woman's nostrils.

In the course of time not very promptly the reply comes. A letter of condolence, curtly worded: the name of Laczi or Benkó or Pál, as the case may be, was inadvertently omitted from the list of killed after the skirmish near Banialuka.

Now Baroness Katharina would not break into the Nameless Castle and despoil Count Vavel of something which Satan Laczi could not, with all his cunning, have restored to him his heart! Count Ludwig did not trouble himself further about the manor.

Count Vavel was seriously concerned about his fair neighbor, and wondered how he might communicate his extraordinary discovery to her. What could he do to warn her of the danger which still threatened her? Should he call in person at the manor, and tell her of his interview with Satan Laczi? A propitious chance came to Count Vavel's aid in his perplexity.