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Watling in Washington. By no means the least among our callers was the Hon. Fitch Truesdale, editor of the St. Helen's Messenger, whose editorials were of the trite effectiveness that is taken widely for wisdom, and were assiduously copied every week by other state papers and labeled "Mr. Truesdale's Common Sense."

Yet one of the most difficult things I have had to learn is that religious people find it impossible to believe that others do not care one iota whether a man is labeled a Methodist or an Episcopalian. I certainly do not, and I do not believe God does.

At that he walked into another room and opened a secret door. I saw him pour a liquid from a large bottle labeled, "Satan's Malaria Cure." It contained a mixture of unbelief, ridicule, and self-righteousness. He filled a small vial with sugar pellets and saturated them with the mixture from the large bottle.

I had read about them often enough, but I had never seen one pictured and properly labeled. For the matter of that, all the vehicles in sight appeared to have four wheels. So I said, at a venture, that I thought an ordinary cab would do. "Yes, sir; 'ere you are, sir. Your boxes are in the luggage van, I suppose, sir."

To be sure, this code or text, as everybody knows, does not provide for all that is fundamental in government. It usually contains much that is temporary and unimportant. But to the American Jurist all that finds expression in the written document labeled "Constitution" is Constitutional Law.

"Five out of six of the men here ruin their constitutions with spirits, and then fall an easy prey to the fever." "But you have brought spirits with you, Mr. Goodenough. I saw some of the cases were labeled Brandy." "Brandy is useful when taken as a medicine, and in moderation.

When the map has been turned into the proper position that is to say, "oriented" the next thing is to locate on the map your position. If you are in the village of Easton and there is a place on the map labeled Easton, the answer is apparent. But if you are out in the country, at an unlabeled point that looks like any one of a dozen other similar points, the task is more complicated.

It was listed as an established settlement when Argall left the Colony in April, 1619. The list of those killed in the massacre has no entry specifically labeled for this plantation indicating, perhaps, that the effect here was light.

"Look!" he said, throwing open the half door of a cattle shed behind the timber. "They found her here on the second of August, a Sunday morning, just before the people went to early mass. By her side was a bottle labeled 'Poison. She bought it in Zermatt on the sixth of July. So, you see, my little girl had been thinking a whole month of killing herself. Poor child! What a month!

If one is ever puzzled to understand from the figures which season is represented, a glance at the labeled murals up above in the corridor will give the proper title for statue and murals of each season are grouped together. Spring.