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He was, by this time, a man well stricken in years, but Mrs Swinton was of a younger generation; and they had seven children, Martha, the eldest, a fine lassie, was not passing fourteen years of age. As they came slowly up the kirk-stile, we all remarked that the godly man never lifted his eyes from the ground, but came along perusing, as it were, the very earth for consolation.

Swaby, however, though less under those influences than his men, nevertheless partook largely of them, and would not at the King's commands, it was thought, have crossed the kirk-stile at midnight.

Among others that shared in his attention, was daft Meg Gaffaw, whom he had forgathered with one day in coming to see me; and after conversing with her for some time, he handed her, as she told me herself, over the kirk-stile like a lady of high degree, and came with her to the manse door linking by the arm.

Obedient to his master's mandate, the falconer was collecting his discouraged followers, and whispering into their ears "Away, away tace is Latin for a candle never mind the good Knight's puritanism we will play the frolic out over a stand of double ale in Dame Martin the Brewster's barn-yard draw off, harp and tabor bagpipe and drum mum till you are out of the church-yard, then let the welkin ring again move on, wolf and bear keep the hind legs till you cross the kirk-stile, and then show yourselves beasts of mettle what devil sent him here to spoil our holiday! but anger him not, my hearts; his lance is no goose-feather, as Dan's ribs can tell."