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'Only a moment, Father, Vasili Andreevich! replied Nikita, and running quickly with his inturned toes in his felt boots with their soles patched with felt, he hurried across the yard and into the workmen's hut. 'Arinushka! Get my coat down from the stove. I'm going with the master, he said, as he ran into the hut and took down his girdle from the nail on which it hung.

They are placed on the ground straight ahead, though the tendency to inturned feet is slightly more noticeable than it is among the men. Their carriage is a healthful one, though it is not always graceful, since their long strides commonly give the prominent buttocks a jerky movement.

Every one of the group carried the sharply inturned points to the horns: they were all cows! An instant after I had made out this fact, they stampeded across our face. The whole band thundered and crashed away. Desperately we sprang after them, our guns atrail, our bodies stooped low to keep down in the shadow of the earth.

I see him on his way to the morning's lecture, with his plump childish face, his round innocent eyes, his absurdly non-prehensile fat hand carrying his cap, his grey trousers braced up much too high, his feet a trifle inturned, and going across the great court with a queer tripping pace that seemed cultivated even to my naive undergraduate eye. Or I see him lecturing.

It is laugh, then?" he cried, kissing her hands. "It appears Belle-Ange has a temper, too! Let us forget all about it. Félicité, my dear, bring us Hydromel, and we will drink forgetfulness." He opened the door of the cage, and William the Conqueror came mincing out, waddling on his inturned toes like some fat, velvet-clad dowager. Hydromel is a Norman liqueur, thick and cloying.

This is easily observable in the texture of hair, skin, features, general body build, hands and feet. According to Prof. Ernst Haeckel, the skin is the first and oldest sense organ. Indeed, all the other sense organs and the nervous system and brain which have evolved in the use of them, are simply inturned and specialized skin cells.

The ankles are seldom thick; and the feet are broad and relatively short, and, almost without exception, are placed on the ground straight ahead. He has the feet of a pedestrian not the inturned feet of the constant bearer of heavy burdens on the back or the outturned feet of the man who sits or stands.

It is always the same expression one catches, rather weary, rather sullen, inturned. The shoulders droop. The very outline is a note of interrogation. They look up as the privileged tourist of the front, in the big automobile or the reserved compartment, with his officer or so in charge, passes importantly. One meets a pair of eyes that seems to say: "Perhaps you understand....

This is very true; in her the moral nature was most developed, and the effect of a higher growth upon her face is entirely different from that upon Guess. His eye is inturned, while the proper Indian eye gazes steadily, as if on a distant object. That is half the romance of it, that it makes you think of dark and distant places in the forest.