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With the uncanny intuition that makes women so disconcerting, she realized that she had missed her chance and must let the boy have his head. Not until he had unburdened his soul would she be able, she knew, to focus his complete attention upon herself. "Tell me about it," she said. He gave her a grateful look. "You know the house with the kennels over there the hounds don't let you miss it.

We can only grasp ourselves, Bergson points out, by a metaphysical Intuition, for the soul eludes thought; we cannot place it among concepts or in a category. Intuition is in no way mysterious, Bergson claims.

In the application of the pure conceptions of the understanding to possible experience, the employment of their synthesis is either mathematical or dynamical, for it is directed partly on the intuition alone, partly on the existence of a phenomenon.

The Poor Boy had the intuition of a woman, and the tenderness; he had the imagination of a poet and the simplicity of a child. Everybody loved him the slim, well-knit, swift body, carrying the beautiful round head; the face, so handsome, so gentle, and so daring. He was not cast in a heroic mould, but he was so vivid that in groups of taller, stronger men it was the Poor Boy whom you saw first.

But though every normal man thus cherishes the soothing unction that he is the intellectual superior of all women, and particularly of his wife, he constantly gives the lie to his pretension by consulting and deferring to what he calls her intuition. The true nature of this alleged instinct, however, is revealed by an examination of the situations which inspire a man to call it to his aid.

The validity of mathematical principles for all objects of perception, finally, is based on the fact that they are rules under which alone experience is possible for us. No concept could make intelligible the possibility of change, that is, of the connection of contradictory predicates in one and the same thing, but the intuition of succession easily succeeds in accomplishing it.

I shall close this chapter with a brief discussion of architectural composition. The unity of a building is constituted primarily by the necessary adjustment of part to part which makes possible the life that it incloses. How the parts serve this purpose is not immediately evident to intuition; nor can it be; yet it should be intelligible to a thoughtful study.

They elude our persevering thought; yet we read them hourly in each other's faces, in each other's actions, in our own remorse. The intuition of the moral sentiment is an insight of the perfection of the laws of the soul. These laws execute themselves. As we are, so we associate. The good, by affinity, seek the good; the vile, by affinity, the vile.

Her love had given her a great strength; her suffering had deepened her fine nature; and her very soul rebelled against the cruel subterfuge which had been practised to separate her from her lover. She saw, with the magic intuition of her sex, that the very essence of a deep-laid plot was that Rex and she should be kept apart. The visit of Mrs.

He must have fallen with much violence, and the pedal-note had made a bad wound, such as would be produced by a blunt instrument. The inquest was nearly finished when, without any warning, Westray found himself, as by intuition, asking: "The wound was such a one, you mean, as might have been produced by the blow of a hammer?"