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"But they ought to be back by now," Mr Reardon said. "It's a long pull," Mr Brooke replied, "and the tide is terribly sharp at this time." "Yes, yes it is; but I want to see them back. Who's that?" "Herrick, sir." "Oh! Looking out for the boats?" "Yes, sir." "That's right. I like to see a young officer take an interest in the men."

The wives of these three coastguardsmen were quite as well informed and as ardent religionists as themselves, and took a common interest in books, educational matters, and in each other's home affairs. Their homes were always neat and clean, and the children were disciplined into a rigid, methodical life.

As I went on, I saw that he was listening with more and more interest; and when I described how, on reaching the village where my parents had lived, they found it burnt to the ground, and discovered Lily and me, and our murdered mothers, he exclaimed "Did your uncles learn the name of the little girl's mother?"

A few moments passed in silence; his expression was very earnest and absorbed, and he regarded my face with a sympathetic interest which touched me profoundly.

I know just how you feel about him, Cap'n, and that's why it makes me feel that we have a a sort of what you might call common interest. I don't know why I'm talking so frankly with you, who are almost a stranger, but I've been I have always lacked friends so much, that now I can't seem to help it.

Hale was disappointed in his pupil's lukewarmness about Greek literature, which had but a short time ago so great an interest for him. And now it often happened that a hurried note from Mr. Thornton would arrive, just at the last moment, saying that he was so much engaged that he could not come to read with Mr. Hale that evening.

Japanese theogony was depressed by the interest of the people in family and State organization; the gods, though civilized, are vague personalities.

But a thorough knowledge of a few of the simple elements of bodies, and some of their most interesting combinations, such as are witnessed every day of our lives, but which, for want of a little knowledge of chemistry, are never understood, would do more to interest a young man in the business in which he may be employed, than almost any thing I could name.

Meantime those dull mutterings as of distant thunder, which Signor Albèri had, as mentioned at a former page, first signalised to me, were gradually growing into a roar which was attracting the attention and lively interest of all Europe.

If interest, therefore, is aroused by making a person think about himself, desire is created by making a person feel about himself and feel about himself in such a way that the feeling impels him to favorable decision and action.