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"Thrue for you, Florence, but some innersent parties are nabbed. I know of one young man who was standin' on a strate corner waitin' for the cars, when a cop came up and arristed him for disorderly conduct." "But that is shameful!" said Florence, indignantly. "Thrue for you, my dear. We might go round to the police headquarters and inquire if the boy's been run in." "What do you think, Mr.

I tawt 'em Puss in the corner and sich like plase, and we had a nice time, keepin quiet of course so the old man shouldn't hear. When we broke up, sez I, "my pretty dears, ear I go you hav no objections, hav you, to a innersent kiss at partin?" "Yay," they said, and I YAY'D. I went up stairs to bed. I spose I'd bin snoozin half an hour when I was woke up by a noise at the door.

You are in the hands of the law, which I believe you to be as innersent as the dove unborn; but it will be the best for you to submit quietly," said the housekeeper, who had hitherto sat in appalled silence, taking note of the proceedings. "I will na submit to ony sic indignity," screamed Rose, with an additional torrent of very objectionable language.

"And he wants me to fix that thing of killin' the gal onto an innersent man." "Exactly." "Good land, what does he take me for?" "A man who is ready to work on any line for money." "Wal, when he pays me fur puttin' a head on Sile Keene, then I'll look to 'tother biz. But I hain't no fool, and I reckin' you ain't 'goin' cordin' to orders from Andy!" "Why do you think so?"